2-PLUGGED is a german acoustic-cover-band from Bad Schoenborn (close to Karlsruhe).
2-PLUGGED starts in the year 2001 and ist one of the best vocal-band (3 Voices) in the area.
About 30-40 concerts a year
- FriMar 038:30pm
Blues Station
Germany, Wiesloch, Bahnhofstr. 9, 69168Das Akustik-Trio 2-PLUGGED
spielt am Freitag, 03.03.2023,
in der Bluesstation Wiesloch
Blues Station Wiesloch
Bahnhofstr. 9
69168 Wiesloch
Beginn:20:30 Uhr
Eintritt: 7-10,- €7-10 €18+