8 years ago

Debut Album Causing Internet Traffic Jams

Debut Jay$ilver Album

The heavily anticipated Debut Album by Jay$ilver the #FirstClass EP is Available EVERYWHERE for High Quality Digital Downloading through iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/first-class-ep/id1115034307 Google Play Music https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Jay_ilver_First_Class_EP?id=Bldty6bwn3httdoaow5vkuo5ory AmazonMp3 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01FTLTBO0/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_WAjqxb60H3V18 AND!! Is Available for High Quality Streaming through WHATEVER SERVICE you use / are subscribed to (Spotify, Tidal, Rhapsody, Google Play, Microsoft Music aka Groove https://music.microsoft.com/album/jay-ilver/first-class-ep/bz.2562BB09-0100-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933?target=web iHeartRadio EVERYWHERE! Please stream to all your friends when recommending me so that way they know I mean business since I'm becoming bigger and bigger! And if you feel very strongly about my music as some of you have stated before please try to push the buying of the album as my last step to becoming a major recording artist in this industry is showing that my fans are willing to buy my music! Otherwise STREAM STREAM STREAM to get my plays up on these major digital music outlets! P.S. - I am ALSO starting MY OWN NATIONAL TOUR this week going on until the end of October/November in promotion of my Debut Album. Confirmed dates are listed below and message me if you'd like to attend one and I can try to hook you up!(: 05/25/16 Cincinnati, OH (The Mad Frog) 06/07/16 Seattle, WA (Studio 7) 06/17/16 Detroit, MI (The Shelter) 06/25/16 Seattle, WA (Jam Rekk Studios) 07/16/16 Denver, CO (The Roxy Denver) and more coming as I am confirming the rest of the month of July and have already started seeking out new cities for August. Message me if you'd like me to come to your city sooner rather than later!





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