my latest work
hi everyone, thanks for all your support since 10 years here now !
passion drives me to make music everyday and i thank god for that for gaving me this opportunity, and as a tribute to this, i worked so hard to accomplish a dream, something really intense in my soul.
I went producing a lot of worthful artists around me and will continue to do so, 15+ albums since 2010, and even if i don't release much as 'jeremy hills' all of my real work goes with this music family i managed to achieve.
It's called 'geniuscorp' and it's live now at geniuscorp . fr
so if you liked my music, you'll love what i planned there, bringing tons of indie productions into life and giving them the strengh of the biggest in the sound production process, as they never be jaleous and fall into the darkest side of the music industry to get it. That's a love process afterall. Like saving these kids from themselves to get lost in that jungle, meanwhile giving them what they own, their ideas well manufactured in their hand, freedom.
Please give it a try, a chance to release the pressure from distorted stardoms.
I wish you all the best and will keep on rocking against the flow.