Lifin’ Ain’s Easy but God is Always Good!!!
Hey there my beautiful people from N1M, thank you for being patient and understanding throughout my process. I have had a few rough years and rough patches to work through and by the grace of God I am still here to keep trying. My personal life has been in turmoil in every area of my life and I am still just standing in faith for Gods perfect timing. I have songs I have written. I have the equipment to create the songs, but my creativity and desire have been affected by it all. Thank you again for your patience and faith in my music. I appreciate each and every one of you that reaches out to me to give me feedback. I am working towards putting up more music. I know I’ve been saying this for a while but the mental state has to be in order and aligned for everything else to fall into place. God bless you all I ❤️ you. Have a blessed week.