Tom Goddard
4 years ago

The next step 2021

Hello guys, it's Tom here, its been a long time since I've been active on here so I just wanted to share an update of what's been going on and what my plans are for this year and how I want to call on you, my loyal subscribers to help. So as you all know I released my first original track losing You in memory of grandma, her life and her legacy, to remember her for the amazing woman she was, and you guys loved it! So I've been working on something crazy and I need every single person on my subs list to help me boost it. I'm working on a 5 song EP all original all written by me with some amazing videos behind it, showing you a raw uncut version of my life and how I got to this point, my weaknesses and my strengths I'm not hiding a damn thing! I will be realeasing them over the course of 5 months so a month for each song with teasers on each to give a small taste of what's to come next,starting with the first release date to be announced very soon and a song each month after that so a little ways away yet but in advance all I need is YOU,to blow this post up, to talk about this to share this news with your friends your family, you're dog your cat, anybody who you feel will relate to anything Ive released so far and who wants to hear new tracks. Ive worked my ass off to make them as crisp and radio ready as possible keeping it as authentic as I can to where I come from, working with a local producer that had previously worked with the sugar babes, and worked in association with a very close member of Michael Jacksons personal production team, so some real legendary company as well as a local Videographer to my area. Homegrown is the only way to go. I would love to hit the charts with this EP but for now I'm keeping my feet on the ground but my head in the sky, and I'm putting my trust in you, you have got me to where I am now and your still here despite my inactivity so Let's take 2021 by storm and spread some love,hope, honesty and truth in a time that's so uncertain and divided! People have bad days but, life is a marathon not a sprint, and sometimes you have push yourself when even you can't see a way out, let's find that way out, together..... ???? Follow all my lastest updates on my Facebook page both personal and my fan page. (Thats where the new tracks and videos will be dropped first) Stay safe, Love one another See you very soon Tom x

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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