Adamjlss is a musician and singer- songwriter who lives in Liverpool, United Kingdom. Adamjlss who delves in genres such as Urban, R&B, Dance, Pop, Hip hop among others, started doing music only recently during the last year. Though he always had a deep passion for the art he never really took it seriously up until now. He pursues his musical ambition by writing and releasing as much music as he can. Many of his songs can be found on YouTube including “A Bit More” Prod. By OGE BEATS and “Blindfolded”.
Adamjlss’ take on neon R&B, with “A Bit More” Prod. By OGE BEATS, celebrates the slinky nights of the soul, coming close to distilling that glow stick club juice into something strictly intoxicating. Adamjlss’ tracks feel universal in its depictions of desire — his sexiness is satiable, his desires multifaceted, and the way he chooses to explore them deliberately diverse. The splendid qualities of his artistry resonate strongly on these tracks, as he quietly commands undivided attention.
It is refreshing to hear an R&B, urban edged infusion that thrives, thanks to a self-aware confidence, and knowing that not trying so damn hard to compel the audience will accomplish the very goal so many others seek yet don’t reach. “A Bit More” and “Blindfolded” are meticulously crafted and the passion that went into its creation is heard on every note that Adamjlss hits, and each song has its own individual nuances that solidifies their diversity.
When a creative soul is given the freedom to find his zone, the result is that the body of work created will almost always accurately present the artist – in this case Adamjlss – as a highly respected artist who should be considered a leader in a genre where too many are trying to emulate the success of others, rather than channel a unique aesthetic that is special to their own skill-set.
On “Blindfolded”, the Liverpudlian suavely proves the power of euphemistic propositions: sex is treated with a sort of debonair elegance, always insinuated but never explicitly invoked. The instrumental is a gorgeous amalgamation of echoing snaps, crackling static, warm synths, and slow gyrating bass, perfectly accompanying Adamjlss’ swaggering delivery and warbling falsetto. Much like his lyrics and voice, the music itself invokes an air of wonder.
Everything that makes R&B so special at this point in the genre’s evolution can be found in Adamjlss’ tracks. Much like The Weeknd, Maxwell and Frank Ocean, Adamjlss brings his own personal twist to the genre. Clearly he is very much aware of what he is allowing himself to do, and talented enough in order to orchestrate so brilliantly, each crucial step on his way to finding a way towards the R&B throne.
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