Could You Be The One (EP)
Song Reviews
Is like a dream Flying in the air soft like a snowflakes, an immginary journey, fantastic atmosphere, i like it, go on this way is a good job! Voice is good love the guitar play throug the notes. Sory for bad english!
Italy, Milano
Neo mtv
This song has strange mood. But there is also popularity. Harmony has new style. I think it is Brushed up alternative country. It sustains Ambient beats, so I am relaxed. I think it is greatful time!
Japan, Tokyo
Could you etc
Just had a listen to this track and here's the following comments we thought that you made a good job of the backing vocals which without doubt added to the feel and content of the song. We would like to hear it again a couple of times..All the best skin deep.
England, Birmingham
shes a banger mate
Yo thats a beaut of a track. Harmonys sound really crisp. Its a nice easy listening vibe. Youve also really caught the emotion with the gentle vocal. Instrumentation also good it not too cluttered. I would reccomend this
New Zealand, Auckland
Bonjour les amis, vous l'avait compris je suis la pour évaluer votre compo que je trouve vraiment superbe, reposante et bien sur très bien conçue :) mais ! bien sur qu'il y a un "mais" dans votre morceau je n'ai pas entendu la basse, pourtant cela pourrais donner une tout nouvelle enveloppe sonore et un effet de profondeur ! bien sur si vous le voulez vous pouvez aller encore plus loin en rajoutent des violons car se morceau se prête a la mélancolie et un ou plusieurs violons seront pas ridicule dans la structure originale !! Le son doit être travailler par un studio de compétence car votre compo est très jolie et elle mérite toute votre attention pour la sortir en surbrillance, croyez moi elle le mérite !!! En espèrent que mon évaluation n'est pas trop prétentieuse et que vous ne vous sentez pas obligé de faire tout ce que je vous ai conseiller je vous souhaite bonne chance et bonne continuation :) Je me suis permis d'intervenir car votre chanson est vraiment superbe et j'ai sentie le besoin de l’enrichir, a vous de voir ! Bien amicalement Amoitusol
France, Paris
Really good!
i really like your song Be the one! Its not common music thats leaves you untuched. I my self make music ispired from my herritage that is as a native Sami. I like music that reflects the country, the life style, the culture that teh artist comes from. Good luck!! Yana
Sweden, Kiruna
Lovely Relaxing Tune
Very chilled out, nice vibe. I like the harmonies and the openness of the track, Reminds me a bit of Pooka with some of the harmonies and acoustic guitar work. Glad it didn't kick off into a great big ending!
United Kingdom, Southampton
This One is Worth 3 Min & 42 seconds of your life
This track definitely has atmosphere . It reminds me of a mix 90s alternative melodies of Pearl Jam mixed with the vocal melodies of Pink Floyd. The song is great and I STONGLY recommend it to anyone to give this track a listen to
United States, Tennessee, Kingsport
Interesting and original
When the guitar starts, I thought to myself, this could be really good. Definite talent in acoustic abilitys and an impressive recording. The vocals, haunting and in some ways are strange but actually work well with the overall feel of the song. I noticed it says "celtic" in the artist genre and that explains this style a bit. There are areas the vocals are overdone because the guitar track(s) are actual that good that a little less vox could be more here in my opion. I like it. Well done and Very original, not something you would here everyday which is always a good thing. A remix and edit on the vocals could go a long way to compliment it slightly more and really make the song stand out.
United States, Rhode Island, Exeter
Great Vocals
I really dig the atmospheric feel of this track. Excellent production on the guitar, vocals and the general atmosphere. It started to remind me of Bon Iver in spots. The roomy reverb and delay on the guitar really made the track nice and spatial. The sort of free flowing nature of the track gives a feeling of floating. A nicely written track that has some great production value. Keep up the good work.
United States, California, San Diego
can you be the one
it is inspiring for those looking for love very calming and full of hope and desire I think the girl it was written for is very lucky you can so hear the love in the lyric's i hope he does a follow up when he gets the girl. I like the lyric's and the guitar its very inspiring so listen up people this is how you capture the heart of the one you love
Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver
Could You Be The One
Very nice and beautiful song. I love this song and the violin and voice and the Acoustic Electric Guitar. I like love songs and I was born in Germany to in 1969. German people are Romantic also. We love Art and Music. Some of the greatest music composers are from Germany. I love German people. I admire you Adrian. Thank you for this song of yours. God Bless you and Germany bro. Eric Krieger- musician USA
United States, California, Sacramento
Matt Cressey reviews 'Could you be the one' by Adrian Bran
I'm quite a fan of Adrian, I like to review his stuff...always something interesting. This track has a great feel, a nice jangly guitar intro reminds of something Jeff Buckley might have written. It's a simple piece, relaxing and mellow but with a nice feel, never boring and quite uplifting. I was waiting for it to kind of kick off with drums and bass coming in but it remains simple throughout and gently comes to an end....I like that. Great song, good work, thanks, keep doing more of this!
Italy, Calcinaia
Could You Be The One
Deliciously suspenseful and effortless in execution of vocals and instrumental. It would be perfect a a Rom-Com Movie Soundtrack. I love the composition, very expertly executed. This is my top favourite now for Alternative/Celtic. Your sound is very unique with a blend of old Celtic overtones and the newness of originality. I love the blend of your vocal talents or is it your voice layered all the way through? Certainly a love song on par with the greats. I'm sure it will grow in popularity soon enough. The lyrics will be very meaningful to many who are love-lorn and seeking love. I'm sure it will be in the Top 10 soon in many countries!
United Kingdom, Tintern