Ahmed Saleh
Egypt, Cairo

About Ahmed Saleh

Ahmed Saleh ::
is a known singer & composer in the parallel music media in Egypt .. Ahmed made a new mix between Oriental& Nubian Music which added a new patch to the Egyptian music .. Ahmed was graduated as a civil engineer from Ain Shams university .. & then he studied music in the free musical studies institute in Cairo .. he studied "OUD" & voice .. then he started to make his own shows with his "OUD" in the Literary Egyptian society .. in the year 12th after being graduated from college he decided to leave civil engineering & focus on his own love "" MUSIC "" by forming his Band which was called "" BARAWEEZ "" & started to make live concerts all over Egypt .. meanwhile he started to study ""SOUND ENGINEERING "" & working in that magnificent career .. thus he could finally hold the two paths working & earn for living and be near his adored love music .. days passed & he could have his own studio which is known by "" TEAMA STUDIO "" in Cairo .. ""TEAMA"" works in all kinds of sound records .. Ahmed has about more than 500 songs .. between Oriental , Nubian & Oriental-Nubian style .. he write some of his own songs & has many remarkable writers writing for him .. Ahmed believes in Identity .. he believes that having character with own identity make diversity & richness for human culture .. so he still hold his roots & fixing them tightly in his home cultural heritage .. from his sayings "" The Only attempt to resemble some one .. is to resemble the one inside you ""
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