Hello Friends and Subscribers
To all of my subscribers, fans and loyal music lovers. Last year was very trying (to say the least) but we made it to 2023. I've been given more opportunities and allies that are on the same path as myself. This comes as a complete surprise because my entire team makeup has not only changed but it's improved. I'm now aligned with other artists that share the desire to make new and lasting music.
My health issues have been addressed and I'm in good shape, at least enough for me to abandon the idea of retirement and forge forward to the completion of projects that have been on the "back burner" for far too long. This year with my new crew of dedicated artists, friends and you my subscribers, I hope to create new tracks that are as satisfying to you as the tracks already posted. All I ask is the you continue to be as patient as you've been, keep those positive vibes pouring in and please continue to listen and share.
I can't Thank You enough for your support to this point. I also hope to eventually meet and greet some of you at a venue in the near future. I wish you all the best for yourselves and your families. May this year be the blessing we're working for with the desired success and acceptance attached.
Peace, Prosperity and Oneness!!