
Hi There!

Hi friend, How are you? Not to much affected by these everlasting restrictive sanitary measures? Me I'm ok but it's very difficult to work on my new album since the access to the recording studio is impossible from last year... I'm working as much as I can at home but there's fundamental instruments as a real drum I cannot use, first for the noise, no space and enough good recording equipment. I have a lot of good new ideas, still full inspired. I'm making some pre-productions at home but looking forward to rock the amps again and also play live gigs! I miss that so much! So I do dj a lot while waiting, publishing mixes on some cool platforms as Mixcloud, under the name of Dj Boogy Karon. Different styles stuff if you'd like to give a listen. Hope this situation will get better in the months to come. For the moment, hope you're having fun and I'll keep you posted about new developments. Have a wonderful day and keep the good work!





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