alex fanjul
4 years ago

This is my gift to all of you who have supported me so strongly

In this message apart from thanking you I would like to send you one of my best songs, and the one that has been among the TOP 10 here in N1 for many weeks, Soulful Properly. You have it in mp3 format. On the other hand, I would like to ask for your support to continue creating new songs, I have started a PATREON to be able to hire a singer in my new song, and that costs money that I do not have, ANY HELP WOULD BE GREAT, 1 dollar, half a dollar or $ 1000, anything will help. If you want, send me a message and I will send you the audio of this song with a small dedication. My youtube channel also needs a push to see if it reaches 1000 subscribers, do you think you can help me with that too? PATREON https://www.patreon.com/alexfanjul\ YOUTUBE www.youtube.com/alexfanjul All the best for all or you





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