8 years ago

EXOPLANETS by Alessio - Tano

Hello thanks for your views I propose this electronic work EXOPLANETS by Alessio Cazzola - Tano TRACKS 1. Constellation Cetus 09:3 2. Pollux and the symphony of the twins 10:48 3. Kapteyn too faint to be visible 16:48 4. On the gas giant 11:08 5. The truce on Andromeda 11:21 Alessio leaves in the attic of the traditional rock instruments to focus only on electronic synthesizers. One result translated into a rhythmic sequence, often the result of improvisation in the psychedelic rock style, but also the free-jazz and avant-garde music, with synthesizers that emit crackling galactic universe in the big cauldron. Dominating the scene of this space travel, it is the electronic breezes of the two Moog synth and Spectralis and brilliant explosions of Origin Arturia generator. After about 20 minutes, takes form the third part of the song, marked by a dense network of dissonance, left to float in a cloud of organ and moog to become a line flowing with majestic notes and sounds in slow motion, spatial reverbs, wheezing asteroid, distant echoes, pings one another on a sound backdrop to-rhythmic, but always dark and full of suspense. Listen to Alessio music is like listening to his story, is an open book. GENRE-ELECTRO OPERA VIDEO https://plus.google.com/+alessiocazzola#+alessiocazzola/posts





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