Song Reviews
I like the originality of your work. Strong message and creativity is a big plus. Good production, I can hear some good vocals to this, good job on the final mix-down. I can tell you have your heart and soul into what you do. Keep on pushing and never give up or get distracted in pursuing the dream of making it. I like the instrumental blend of sounds with some vocals and the production on the track is good. Keep up the great work! Peace!!!
United States, South Carolina, Rock Hill
Top-notch instrumental jam
A tasty melange of synths, sax, guitar and bass, gorgeous textures and sounds generated by computer or synthesizer. It a mix of ambient electronic music and jazz-rock, and it works really well. There's a bit of country-chichen-pickin' guitar near the end, which surprisingly is not at all out of place in this jam. The piece is almost 11 minutes long which is rare these days. Overall impression: great stuff. Keep it up!
Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Ambient tune for the soul
Yet another cool track from Alex Tano, I'm liking the ambient trip. Sunset ambience is on the way with this track. Very well produced track with an amazing saxophone. This is well worth a buy, download or even a stream. Get this played as its is an amazing track
United Kingdom, Newcastle upon Tyne
cool song
Really good composition. Its a Song with a deep message behind, that touches something by the listener. Keep on doing you' re Kind of music, expression you want to. I wish you really all the best for the new beginning year - 2022- Stay healthy and happy as well! Hope you'll get in a creative process to create more songs, music can heal and gives us hope all over the planet! That is what I think about it. Hope you'll understand the mean conetent ?! Greets, Judith M, Germany
Germany, Schwerin
Entanglement by Alex Tano is a good solid track, building nicely, everything wrapping around the bass line, carried along by the drum track, and lifted by the synthesizer tracks . I like the way the track uses trance influences without becoming too trancy, and is able to continue holding your attention without imploding on itself, there is enough variety to keep the listener interested, which is always good. I like long numbers and this one does not disappoint.
Netherlands, Amsterdam
Entaglement voyage?
... ¿A donde me invita este sonido tan envolvente? ¿A un viaje de entrelazamiento? ...Un sonido que envuelve para soñar o tal vez para exaltar los sentidos hasta limites insospechados... Siempre entrelazado, por supuesto a quien nos gusta, nos excita y porque no? nos inspira... Gracias por esta joya! Bienvenido el sonido talentoso del Arte musical italiano ¿A rivederchi!,.. Mama mía; Bravo!! ¿Como se se dice? como sea ..un sincero saludos desde México. ... ... Where does this enveloping sound invite me? On an entanglement trip? ... A sound that invite to dream or perhaps to exalt the senses to unsuspected limits ... Always intertwined, of course, to who we like, hwo excites us... and why not? inspires us ... Thank you for this gem! Greetings from Mexico.
Mexico, D.F.
Nice surprise
I have been devoted to music in all its aspects for a long time, and although I am not going to tell you that "ENTANGLEMENT" is a masterpiece, I can assure you that it has surprised me a lot. And although it seems arrogant to you, I am no longer easily surprised. I congratulate you for having created such an original song that it evolves during the 10 minutes it lasts, I sincerely believe that you should develop this sound in your future projects.
Spain, Valle Gran Rey
Vibey and fresh
This track starts out by defining a very distinct vibe, which it holds and develops throughout the entire track. New elements are tastefully added throughout the track, building and adding on one another. The vibe stays solid - chilled out and dreamy. If I were to suggest changing up anything, I would say let the track breathe a little more by maybe taking out the drums here and there more often. Also, the track is pretty long which is something you may have intentionally done, but if this were to be a part of a DJ mix, they might need to change it up prior to the 10 minute mark. Over, nice work! This is definitely a fusion track and combines various aspects tastefully.
United States, California, Santa Cruz
elettronica effetti a gogo' suono di tastiera fisso basso che gira svasature sembra fare con chitarra distorta effetti che girano ma anche belli nelle loro entrate anche cambi di accordo si sussuegono intensamente le chitarre distorte entrano insomma tanti effetti anche carini ma nonostante siano belli mi musica c'e ne poca ma comunque c'e' l'elettronico che crea belle atmosfere e qualcuno piaceranno anche un sax delle belle svisature
Italy, dalmine bg
Muy buena música
Siempre es bueno navegar en esta plataforma Number One Music porque puedes encontrar muy buenas propuestas musicales, así encontré la propuesta musical de Alex - Tano, realmente me gustó mucho, la música de este artista me agrada, es ideal para esos momentos en que te quieres aislar del bullicio de la ciudad, de las personas y de todo lo que te rodea. Me agrada mucho, los beats son muy rítmicos y melódicos. A mi me hace recordar la música pop instrumental de la década de los 90´s o algunos soundtracks de películas de acción; por esta razón recomiendo ampliamente el trabajo de Alex - Tano, deseo que más personas pueden conocer su trabajo y disfrutar de su buena música. ¡Felicidades por la propuesta musical! Sigue creando buena música, buenas mezclas. Me encantará seguir escuchando más de tu gran trabajo. ¡Saludos desde Puebla, México! ¡Mucho éxito en todo!
Mexico, Puebla De Zaragoza
wow nice this AWESOME .this instrumental song has a really good melody lines I can hear this song over and over.............................they the song was put together is very unique..........................just love the way instruments were spot on the drums were played perfectly........................can't say enough about this song ...................I want to thank you for letting me review your amazing song thank you.................... This is steve from voodoo dancer and thank you.........................
United States, New York, Middle village