The Geometry of The Universe ALEX TANO
Song Reviews
Great sound cinema by Alex-Tano with "The Geometry of The Universe"
Wow what a great sound cinema that is celebrated here by Alex-Tano with "The Geometry of The Universe". The sound mix, which with its synthesizer sounds is partly reminiscent of really good tracks by Jean Michel Jarre, grabs and captivates. The jazz elements at the beginning, conjured up by a great trumpet melody, inspired me. In addition, again and again fantastic orchestral interjections which then in the finale with an electronic furious end let "The Geometry of The Universe" end spectacularly.
Germany, Düsseldorf
The Geometry of The Universe
When I listen to the introduction to Alex Tano's "The Geometry of The Universe,"...It is the sound of the future...AND THE FUTURE IS NOW!!! Put Your Phasers On Stun, Baby...Love what you do with those 4 progressions throughout the well as the way the trumpet embraces the intro with melodic jazz patterns and catchy passing tones...but this song is sooo much more than that... When you get to the middle of the song, that funky melodic alto sax solo takes charge while taking you to another corner of the universe...Overall, I will say this: This song has several gears, and Alex popped the clutch on all of them!!! TWO THUMBS UP!!!BLESSINGS AND CONTINUED SUCCESS IN ALL THAT YOU DO!!! Derrick Jordan, Multi Instrumentalist and President of JORDAN/WALL PRODUCTIONS
United States, California, Los Angeles
Nice work
Hello Alex, nice track you made, great fusion between electronic and instrumental, you talented and i like it very much, keep on doing this kind of stuff, i will share it as much as i can... txs
Belgium, Ghent
I really like the sax, the drum machine is throwing me off, the sound quality is good, simple is good to practice and use. The song starts to get in a cool groove at the end not bad also song pretty long, but the end dope.
United States, Utah, Provo
Ambient Electronica
Well this reminds me of a Jean Michel Jarr . Has that euro trance like keyboard work which could be played at any sunset pary. Very nice and well produced. Could see this on a Cafe del Mar album or any other type of Chill out compilation. Sexy , chilled with melodic ambience. Well worth a listen so get those headphones turned up and watch the sunset...
United Kingdom, Newcastle upon Tyne
cool song
Really good composition. Its a Song with a deep message behind, that touches something by the listener. Keep on doing you' re Kind of music, expression you want to. I wish you really all the best for the new beginning year - 2022- Stay healthy and happy as well! Hope you'll get in a creative process to create more songs, music can heal and gives us hope all over the planet! That is what I think about it. Hope you'll understand the mean conetent ?! Greets, Judith M, Germany
Germany, Schwerin
Tolle Atmosphären - jazzige Electronica
Der Track verbreitet eine wunderbar entspannte, aber auch tiefe Atmosphäre, sehr gut geeignet als Hintergrund Musik, aber auch zum genauen Hinhören und genießen. Mir gefällt sowas sehr gut, auch wenn es durchaus gewisse Überlängen in diesem Stück gibt. Richtig gut finde ich das Ende von "The Geometry of the Universe". Es endet - übergehend von smoothen Jazz-Charakter in elektronische Drone-Noises und bekommt so überraschend einen ganz neuen, eigenen Charakter. Fazit: sehr gelungenes, sehr vielseitiges Elektronica Meisterwerk.
Germany, Berlin
The Geometry
I enjoyed listening to The Geometry of The Universe by ALEX TANO, the bass and synth working in unison to bring the atmosphere, with the other elements dancing along , across and over the main body of the track, there is a nice use of dynamics which keeps it interesting through the length of the piece, important in such a long track, the introduction of other musical elements help keep it moving along nicely, well done!
Netherlands, Amsterdam
Muy buena música
Siempre es bueno navegar en esta plataforma Number One Music porque puedes encontrar muy buenas propuestas musicales, así encontré la propuesta musical de Alex - Tano, realmente me gustó mucho, la música de este artista me agrada, es ideal para esos momentos en que te quieres aislar del bullicio de la ciudad, de las personas y de todo lo que te rodea. Me agrada mucho, los beats son muy rítmicos y melódicos. A mi me hace recordar la música pop instrumental de la década de los 90´s o algunos soundtracks de películas de acción; por esta razón recomiendo ampliamente el trabajo de Alex - Tano, deseo que más personas pueden conocer su trabajo y disfrutar de su buena música. ¡Felicidades por la propuesta musical! Sigue creando buena música, buenas mezclas. Me encantará seguir escuchando más de tu gran trabajo. ¡Saludos desde Puebla, México! ¡Mucho éxito en todo!
Mexico, Puebla De Zaragoza
La Geometria del Universo...
Un juego extraño, pero maravilloso! con reminiscencias de blues que sin encajar a la perfección integran un todo corpóreo que da sentido a la composición por demás retro-evocativa (me traslado al espíritu 70´s-80´s, donde la utopía sonora aún era viable. ¡Qué Nostalgia! Un excelente trabajo por demás bien logrado... Siempre he admirado el trabajo de los Músicos Italianos en especial de sus interpretes de música electrónica y en este caso no me siento defraudado. Ojala tenga la oportunidad de escuchar mas de este tipo de obras, Un viaje de once minutos que enlaza lo mas puro de la tradición innovadora europea. Felicidades! y mucho éxito; hasta pronto...
Mexico, D.F.
Musica elettronica che di certo a qualcuno piacerà si ascolta anche volentieri secondo gli stati d'animo comunque troviamo degli accordi un po buttati a caso senza un armonia che dice qualcosa sono cose ripetitive un po senza senso il sax elettronico a anche un bel suono ma direi se a uno piace così e giusto continuare ma non è il mio gusto preferisco belle armonie forse sarà la mia età
Italy, dalmine bg
Atmo Italiano
Very atmosperic, uplifting mood. Medium slow trance/hypnotic electronic music. Nicely combining instruments and eclectic feeling vibes. I will share this track on internet radio svit zlin cz , keep it up Alex.
Czech Republic, Zlín
Geometry of the universe
Techno kazz. Awedome wow nice some ............... AWESOME .this song has a really good melody lines I can hear this song over and over.............................they the song was put together is very unique..........................just love the way its sung the vocals are spot on the drums were played perfectly........................... i can't say enough about this song .........................I want to thank you for letting me review your amazing song thank you.......................... This is steve from voodoo dancer and thank so much to letting me review your song.
United States, New York, Middle village