Dec 2021 Update
Just a quick update to let those who are interested know what is going on.
Respiratory health issues aforementioned in the previous newsletter continue to be problematic, and I am currently in new treatment for them and waiting to see the results of that treatment. For newcomers who want info on this project, see the May 2021 Newsletter, it has a great deal of info on the beginnings and history of this project.
Another complication is that there are also strong indications of having Autism Spectrum Disorder, for which I am being tested, and possibly Sensory Processing Disorder. ASD can be a double-edged sword, allowing creativity to thrive while otherwise making life a train wreck in many ways. A condition of regression is linked, which in layman's terms means that various signs and traits of ASD can get worse with age, and I unfortunately show signs of this.
However, I have not given up and have been exploring new material on the guitar when possible, with new ideas in a nebulous stage, more or less. I appreciate the support I have found here, and the patience of those who are waiting to see if I can turn out anything new.
Peace, and I hope to maintain working on and releasing new material. A belated Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and happy holidays to all.