Just got back to Texas from York, Pennsylvania and working with the NoteSpire group, which includes NoteSpire Radio.
In the very beginning stages of song arrangements, writing, and choices for a new album with the working title of A Call to Arms. The focus of this album is primarily to Believers work the hope to inspire us all to rise up in this hour that we are in, to press on with a love for the lost and DO whatever it is the Lord would have us do, whenever He calls.
Time is short. The signs of His imminent return are everywhere. A major New York paper recently had the headline, Euphrates River Drying Up has Syria Concerned. The beginning of the fulfillment of Revelation 16:12 is now in the headlines. And I personally believe that "being persecuted for His Name's sake" is just around the corner to those of us in the west. Unfortunately, Believers have been persecuted for a long time in other parts of the world and anti-Semitism is again on the rise everywhere.
Connecting with a dialogue "genius" to fix some of the drama scenes in the musical that are CLUNKY! Also, have resolved how to incorporate the actors in Acts I and II into Act III, so they don't disappear until the curtain calls, and will be adding approximately 20 prophecies regarding current day Israel in the process. This will finally make the musical Full Circle and give it true resolution. As Paul explains to the Bereans in the musical and in Romans that Israel's rejection of Yeshua is to graph Gentiles in, but God's promise to Israel stands and when the time of the Gentiles is complete, Israel will be saved in a day! What a miracle that after 2000 years of Diaspora, Israel returns to her land with language and her people from the four corners of the earth. In one of my future newsletters, if there is interest, I can discuss this more fully. And you can check out the current recording of the musical, Forever Jubilee, on SoundCloud at Ana Chapman Productions and then go to the Playlists, see all, and listen to Act 1, Act II, and Act III. 137 prophecies that Yeshua fulfilled from the O.T. or Tanach, are presented. The setting is Paul with the Bereans as they examine the Messianic prophecies together. And if you know of a church that could perform this so that I can record..... I NEED THIS ASAP!!!!