ONE BREATH LEFT by Ana Chapman
Inspiration can come from many places, but when we look straight on at our own immortality in this present state, who can add even one Breath to their life? So it is real important what we do with the ones we have. It matters to me what I leave behind. What did I do? Who did I help or not help? Even in that, we need discernment. To me, the most important thing that I can leave behind is my love for Christ Jesus. To me, Yeshua. His Name means salvation. You see, I don't believe this is all there is. I believe one day I will stand before my Creator and my only defense will be I loved His Son and tried to follow His leading through His HOLY SPIRIT. I pray the same for you. And that you not only receive His free gift of love and redemption, but with every breath, together we share His everlasting love. Amen