
I got selected for best new artist promotion again, yay!

So I got selected again by n1m for a best new artist promotion. This is very nice, yes? I'm pretty happy about it, as that means more listens for my music, and more messages from nice people like you. As for life for Andrew Kayo, well I just got vaccinated so that means I won't be coming down with the plague. Very good news. Perhaps I might even be able to eat out at a restaurant in a couple months for my birthday. And I ain't no spring chicken! Linked down below is a newish song called Hey Babe, Don't Look Back. I tacked it onto my Missing Pieces EP on bandcamp. It's a grungy kind of thing, maybe cut a little too slow, but oh well. Vocals are actually alright, not sure about the rest of it, especially the guitar solo, but I'll let it pass. Also on bandcamp is a different version of Shivers and Quivers, with piano and bass added for a fuller sound. Not sure how muddy or not the mix is, but I'll live with it, hopefully you can listen with headphones or some kind of resolving system. I hope you all are doing well. Plague time is almost over so we can all get normalish soon. Thank you everyone for subscribing and reading this. Hopefully I'll make it a habit to keep in touch. Working on some new stuff so keep an eye out for updates on that. Take care.





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