Andrew Michael Storm
United States, Florida, Cape Coral

About Andrew Michael Storm
Andrew Michael Storm is a Lyricist/ Songwriter/ Playwright/ Screenwriter/ Creator/ Producer/ Music Publisher/ ETC. ...He has been in the business of Entertainment for over 48 years... Born in Nashville, Tennessee..Music City USA...He has been a Record Producer, Personal Manager, Actor, Singer, Ghost Writer, and so much more...and that is just his work in Entertainment...As a working Lyricist he is currently associated with six Composers worldwide with whom he creates Musical Plays and Musicals..as well as other Musical Works...He is always on the lookout for new Composers with whom to work and create new musical works..He Publishes Two daily Online Newsfeed Newspapers with news about Theater, Music, Film, and Entertainment in general...THE LIONS ROAR and THE ANGELS SCENE are free to subscribe and will be delivered to your email mailbox daily...Known as Storywizard 1948, He is a true Wiz at words and at discovering musical talent.
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