Update and Thank you

Hello. I just wanted to thank you for subscribing to my list. I do not get much time to use the computer as I am in a hospital undergoing treatment for a number of conditions. It is very complicated. My father runs my sites for me most of the time. N1M is new to me. I spend my time writing songs and poetry in my room. I record the songs onto a cheap battery powered recorder, which is given to my father when he visits me and he loads some of the songs onto my reverb site. The songs on this site were all written and recorded in my hospital room. I really appreciate the support and I also appreciate the art and music of the other artists on this site. Music and art make such a positive difference in this jello world we live in. No matter what one faces in life, music and art seem to make life better. If we all work to bring folks together with our art and music, this world will be a better place....a more peaceful place. Peace to you...Andrew Neil