The Painter Man

Andrew Neil

Song Reviews

Great Work

On 6 July 1910, the National Congress of Chile passed a bill allocating 400,000 pounds sterling to the navy for two 28,000-long-ton (28,449 t) battleships—which would eventually be named Almirante Latorre and Almirante Cochrane[N 1]—sixdestroyers, and two submarines.[10] The contract to build the battleships was awarded to Armstrong Whitworth on 25 July 1911.[11] Almirante Latorre was officially ordered on 2 November 1911, and was laid down less than a month later on 27 November,[9][12] becoming the largest ship built by Armstrong at the time.[13] The New York Tribune reported on 2 November 1913 that Greece had reached an accord to purchase Almirante Latorre during a war scare with the Ottoman Empire,[14] but despite a developing sentiment within Chile to sell one or both of the dreadnoughts, no deal was made.[15][16][N 2] Almirante Latorre was launched on 27 November 1913,[18][19][N 3] in an elaborate ceremony that was attended by various dignitaries and presided over by Chile's ambassador to the United Kingdom, Agustín Edwards Mac Clure. The battleship was christened by the ambassador's wife, Olga Budge de Edwards.[10] After the First World War broke out in Europe, Almirante Latorre was formally purchased by the United Kingdom on 9 September 1914;[9][18][20][21] she was not forcibly seized like the Ottoman Reshadieh and Sultan Osman I, two other ships being built for a foreign navy, because of Chile's "friendly neutral" status with the United Kingdom.[20] fter the end of the war in Europe, Chile began to seek additional ships to bolster its fleet. The United Kingdom offered many of its surplus warships, including the two remaining Invincible-class battlecruisers.[N 4] The news that Chile could possibly buy a ship to compete. It's amazing

United States, Florida, Kissimmee

songs of peace

i will listen to any and all songs of peace. This song is quietly revolutionary in its approach. The lyrics are almost mystical. The chord structure reminds me of native american songs. I can hear this one in my head with an orchestral background. I suggest that everyone "listen" to Andrew. - peace to you -

United States, Michigan, Dearborn


I love music and can tell that you do also. I taught myself how to play guitar, how did you learn? I taught myself to use most any musical equipment, right down to digital. Music makes the world a better place.

United States, Ohio, Hillsboro

Cool tune

I had to check this out a few times to figure out . there was a very familure vibe to the guitar lick . I kinda liked this tune it sounds like something you could here in a coffe shop chilling out a bit. this does sound a hole lot like a guitar riff from Jack Johnson Though. Without running though his songs i can't say to much . The recording not very top notch but better than some i've listened to. Your lyrics were cool but kind of left me wanting more. If I were producing this song I would probably give more definition to the high lights of the song by changing up the guitar riff to a strum of sorts just to add flavor to the song. I would mostly recommend another verse cause like i said it left me wanting a bit more so over all i'd say it is a good tune. Best of luck to you and I hope to here more in the future.

United States, New Hampshire, Belmont

Blues & Green

From the very first bar, you realise that Andrew loves his guitar riffs. The flowing rhythm of this track is beautiful. The story of the painter man is sung with heart and honesty. Can't recommend this song enough........excellent

United Kingdom, Jersey Channel Islands

Never Give Up


Andrew Neil is on a mission , fighting to get his songs heard by people like you and I.......Literally. Andrew Neil has been writing and recording his music from a Hospital bed for several years now. A Brain injury and PTSD may have put a road block in his path , but it hasn't stopped him from his desire to create. I listened to his music, and liked it, before reading about his story. Andrew's song, "The Painter Man", is Raw , and Stripped down , kind of like Bob Dylan meets Kurt Cobain. His songs are recorded on a small machine, that his Family brings to his hospital room. I love the little riff Andrew does on the Acoustic throughout the song........Great Job Andrew , and thanks to your Dad, for sharing your story. Never Give Up! Robbie

United States, California, Big Bear City

Quite song


Interesante approach a la guitarra. Aunque sabemos que la guitarra percutida estás más que utlizada y explotada por monstruos de esta técnica, aquí vemos una pequeña muestra sutil sobre una afinación standard, y sobre todo no pretenciosa. Si tuviera que poner más cuidado, sería en la afinación de la voz, hay veces que parece un poco calada. Pero en resumen es una canción que resulta y funciona, dada su tranquilidad y ambiente cool. Buena suerte!

Spain, arenas de san pedro

Distant vocals?


I like the song in general, good all around flow and easy listening to chill to at home. The only thing I find off are the vocals sound like they are almost distant in a way. The tone is good but something is off that makes the vocals not go smoothly as they could with the guitar. Really nice folk tune in all.

United States, Colorado, Louisville

Another good tune :)


This is another good song. Your lyrics are good and unique. I am not sure if you do this or not, but I would try and record your guitar alone without your vocals and then once you have the guitar part recorded you can record vocals alone. This will allow you to do some more tweaking of the effects and the overall sound. I suggest playing to a click track so that it will flow really well, and you never know, you might decide to add some drums or bass and that is a good reason to play to the click track.

United States, Illinois, Pocahontas

The Painter Man


Hi Andrew, I enjoyed your song, it has a nice and easy relaxed feel to it. The guitar playing fits very nicely, except in some places I would have preferred some of the ending chords to have rung on for just a little longer, but that is purely my personal taste, and in no way detracts from the overall quality of the song. It reminded me in a way of Shaun Phillips, vocals wise, where the timbre of your voice was really in sync with the song. Great stuff - keep it up.

South Africa, Cape Town

The Painter Man


thouroughly enjoyed this song Andrew ,keep up the great work look forward to listening to more of this great music ,love the style and words where also great .

Australia, Melbourne





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