Story of the leprechaun's Cheese

Andrew Neil

Song Reviews

The minutes from the previous cheese board meeting.

Deep man ! This performance has been captured for educational purposes. Please pass it on so humanity can learn about itself. Rejoice in the moment and allow yourself in-perfected perfection. If you like raw, honest music then this guys got a pocketful of organic gems. The quality of the recording is without polish, yet still smells of oranges and lemons and of course cheese. Bravo Andrew !

United Kingdom, Jersey Channel Islands

Nice track

Me gusta la musica. Le metes bien demasiao. Se escucha como se tiene que escuchar, los sonidos suenan ppr encima y los ritmos te quedaron afuego. Me gustaria escuchar mas y que me dejaras saber cuando pones algo nuevo.

United States, Florida, Kissimmee

folk music

Its been a long time since i listened to folk music nice guitar. Great writing Keep up the work=====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////12334599560560-glfgkfdmdfmdmsmsdmzsa@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@qwertsyaushfgdtdgetegdhdhfjjgkbkhkklhlgllgbl

United States, New Jersey, Plainfield

Good for a Scene in a film...

Not a song a sound score for a scene in a film...Love Lost ...Tough time Romance Lessons learned pain etc...and the lost Lonely road moments...before resolution and redemption...the TRANSITIOn music...blessings

United States, California, North Hollywood

Interesting Lyrics!

I really like the fact that you dare to be different. The choice of subject matter is definitely not your run of the mill stuff. And if the subject matter is a little silly, that's good too. I also think it's brave of you to put out a song with only one guitar as accompaniment. I think it works pretty well, but of course, it would be better with some more instruments in the track. Maybe you could do that later with more time, money, etc. I also like your voice. It's kind of edgy and has character. If I could suggest one thing to improve the writing, I would like to hear some more variety in the chords that you use. You have some good guitar licks in there, but you repeat them quite a lot. Here's just a quick bit about me, in case you are wondering "who is this guy reviewing my music?" I was a band and choir director for 34 in a public school. I have a master's degree in music (mostly regarding brass, woodwinds and percussion). I also play guitar. When it comes to composing, though, I am certainly no expert, and my opinions are no better than yours. I wish you good luck, and I would like to hear more stuff from you. Rick Armstrong

United States, Texas, El Paso

leprechauns cheese

nice rhythm Andrew. Guitar playing good - I'd like to hear more lyric, more of the story behind the title and move the story along so we understand your reason behind or emotion behind the leprechaun and your relationship to it and the cheese - or why you are there

United States, Arizona, Phoenix

Watch your timing my friend....?

First of all, You should use a click track before you record as it will keep you in time.This song many times for me lost its flow which is very important and the timing sounded off and because there is no change in it become repetitive. On the bright side the singer sounded like a young kurt cobain which was nice on the ear, and the guitar riff was nice but sadly It needs more so I would say this track was still a work in progress. Try putting a chorus in by means of a chord change to try to change the mood within the song and you may be on to something. Keep it up.

Ireland, Dublin

Good bluesy-folk tune

Nice tune. I liked the guitar work. I like the bluesy feel mixed with the basic folk sound. I would have liked to hear the vocals a little bit more. Maybe try using two mics or double tracking the vocals. The tune had a good feel to it, good chops on the guitar, I like the kind of bangs that you put in the strums. Bring up the vocals and this would be really nice.

United States, Pennsylvania, Wayne

Guitar Suspense

Early on I can hear a new playful tone to your vocal and lyrics. I picture you as a bard singing in front of an audience at a pub or around a camp fire. I loved this Creature Feature of the mouse's smile and the Leprechaun. Your lyrics reminded me of the bardic story tellers of old. The guitar instrumental was building up the suspense and I thought complimented the lyrics. The song lyrics remind me of one of Aesop's Fables. What did you learn and come to know about the mouse and the Leprechaun? I would like to hear the end of the story. "Little did I know, and much I found out...." "The Cheese, The Cheese....belonged to a Leprechaun" lyric is a nice repetitive touch and so is the guitar riff. However, it needs to go somewhere next to tell the full story. I am hoping it is not a tragic but a humorous denouement. I am curious if you will go back to telling us what was the source of the bright light in your house? Of course, with creative license it may be finished as you sang it and where you left us hanging. Thanks for the ride in any case. The tone to your voice reminded me of Mick Jagger this time.

United Kingdom, Tintern

Story of the leprechaun's Cheese : Review

Hi Andrew, 1 / Music : You must play with a click to record the guitar. The guitar's game is a little hard. Lack of feeling. Maybe with some effects (reverb-delay), it will be more sweet for the ears.. Music is repetitive too and a little flat. 2 / Vocals : It's false at many places, you must to work that. 3 / Overall : It's in spirit of Music grunge like a Kurt Cobain but on a record Kurt is just with his voice. For me there is 3 things to work : 1 / the voice ; 2 / the rythm ; 3 / the guitar's game (more various and less rude). Good luck.

France, Loudeac

Good tune

This song reminds me of some 90's grunge rock music. Only thing I have with this is the timing and beat. Recording the guitar separate from the vocals and playing to a click track will do wonders for producing a consistent output. That gives you the ability to edit things separately and add some cool effects.

United States, Illinois, Pocahontas


I get your style of singing and you play the guitar well. I would suggest that your words are pronounced a little clearer while keeping the slurred effect that you are using too stand out. It's a simple balance really.

United States, Ohio, Jackson Center


Very interesting to write fast songs they usually seem more intriguing in the end and flows well from mixing to recording to cutting the cd. I too find the older the better not only speedinesd is all good as why? Because music has to do with timing both ways!

United States, Illinois, Peoria

Nice and raw

I like it for its raw quality, no punches held back, no exagerated adornments. Plain, simple and direct. The guitar also, sounds raw but clear. It is honest and frank.

Mexico, Puerto Vallarta

Too Much Tang, Not Enough Song

I normally cannot make out lyrics, but I normally can when a song has minimal instrumentation. That said, what the hell is this song supposed to be about? But goddamnit, learn how to sing or hire a vocalist or something. That was horrid. The guitar part wasn't so bad though.

United States, New Jersey, Sewell

Story of the leprechaun's Chee

Hi Andrew, what a great title for a song, most unusual. The song itself is very reminiscent of early Bob Dylan as far as the vocals go. In the first part of the song the vocals were just a tad too slow in keeping with the guitar playing, which i really like, but, thereafter the vocals were up-tempo'd just enuff' to be nicely in sync with everything. It is something of a ''sparse'' song as far as all the usual instruments go, but that is not a bad thing, as it gives the song it's own unique style and flavour, which is not easy to do in this day and age. Great effort, i really liked it. well done.

South Africa, Cape Town

don't understand

I didn't understand a word, so i don't understand the point of the song... Also the music is very flat and repetitive. Some kind of dynamic should be in any music style. Sorry

Estonia, Tartumaa





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