Thank you for your support again
Dear friends, your support is much appreciated. So whats happening in the Bradford camp? Well you'll know I've been working on a new Album but you may not know that the recording has finished. it is now being mastered. The cover art is being designed by a brilliant artists called Tim Dowling, and then it goes for pressing. It'll also be available for digital release. Come in Number 9is due for release to purchase mid June on Melodic Revolution Records and the Album is set for release mid Autumn. For a few lucky people there will be free digital releases available.
All you have to do is give me a quote as to what makes you a fan of my music and why you like myself music. The people with what I concider to be the most genuine heartfelt quotes with a cool original quote, will have that placed on the CD cover and will receive a free digital copy complete with the original artwork. Have an amazing Summer and I hope to get to play in a town near you soon.
If you would like me to play near you, let me know where you are and I'll look into playing there.
Many thanks
Andy John Bradford.