New song streaming/downloading out now...'Skin and Bone' + Notorious BIG remix

First new single of the year has been uploaded this week to everywhere; Skin and Bone. This song almost splits off into 2 separate chunks with the last section being a bit on the heavy rock side. Pleased with how its turned out hope you enjoy :) Its available on all the digital places, and on N1M for next few days if you share it there will be blincoins available.
Also this isn't really a proper release not really in the usual rock genres but was just something I had that I had been doodling with. It's a remix of Notorious BIG's The Party. Can give that a listen on YouTube:
I've got a lot more songs in the works or close to complete but not sure if the aim is another album or just keep releasing singles. Going to aim for a new single each month this year and take it from there.
Appreciate all the support thanks for listening! :)