
I need my fans to do something special for me.

Hey everyone! How are you? I hope all is beautiful your way. I've been working very hard with the currently release of my new album "Im Who I Am" released worldwide on all online stores. But as always, Im thinking about my fans and want to continue making great and positive music for you and my new fans. I'm working on a new positive single that I feel the world needs right about now coming soon. There are so many people who feel discourage and feel defeated by what ever it may be they are going though. This single I hope to inspirer many and let you know that "I Know That You Can"! What I would love from you is to be apart of my project. If I can get a short 5 second video clip of you just saying, I Know That You Can, I will include your video clip in my video with your name and the country you are from promoting it on YouTube worldwide and you will get a free mp3 single of this new single. You can send it to info@atlaseliteentertainment.com my record label's email. Help me inspirer many around the world that needs encouragement. I appreicate you and hope to recieve your video clip soon. Much love. http://atlaseliteentertainment.com/





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