About Ann Stockdale
I first met Ann Stockdale shortly after she relocated to LA, in 1969. Al Jarreau had more or less drug me to a recording session at Jerry Goffin's studio in West Hollywood, telling me I must hear the young singer his manager had just signed. Annie Bird, her married name at the time, was cutting some demos of her own songs with an extraordinary keyboard player, Paul Harris. Thanks to Al, I stumbled into Annie's magical world - and never left. Her original demo of Everyone Responded Warmly remains as one of my all-time favorite musical moments.
There are many stories about the music of the sixties – from the artists, producers, managers, photographers, journalists, publicists, groupies, etc. who were there – to the after the fact documentation of historians and filmmakers. The common denominator: Every story rises from a foundation built on the perspective of the particular teller.
After seeing Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon A Time…(in Hollywood), I couldn't help thinking about the challenge of re-creating a time and place one didn't experience first hand. With the exception of Al Pacino and Bruce Dern, the director and cast were either unborn or too young to appreciate the significance of events, as they unfolded. Via research and/or interviewing a cross section of people who were actually there, the filmmakers were able to expand on the mono vision of any particular survivor. That is about the magic of movies.
This book is about the magic of Ann Stockdale and her way of life, as natural as breathing – illustrated in full color by her paintings, and included CD soundtrack.
When I first read Ann's book I thought some might find it hard to believe that one person had shared so much with so many of the now legendary musicians of her time. As the 60's recede into the mist, fewer and fewer remain to tell the tales. Those still with us suffer from the basic human limitation – we can only be one place at a time. Passing on has a definitive up side, if you believe in consciousness beyond the body. Ann certainly does.
Ann's still developing story stretches from her Miami childhood – to Dublin – to London – to New York City – back to London – to LA – greater Seattle – the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina – and back to Gig Harbor, Washington.
She was initially thrust into the spotlight at 17, when her family moved into the American Ambassador mansion in Dublin. From there, to the Royal Academy in London, to Broadway, to LA and the west coast, Ann became a messenger from the creative explosion of the 60's, who continues to expand hearts and minds along her unique path.
Her father, Grant Stockdale, was one of President Kennedy's closest confidants. After serving as Kennedy's Southern Campaign Manager, Stockdale was appointed by Kennedy to serve as the American Ambassador to Ireland. Less than three years later, 10 days after Kennedy was assassinated, Stockdale was himself brutally murdered. The family patriarch was cut down because he knew too much. The trauma that followed his family is only a part of Ann's story.
I never believed any of the many conspiracy theories spawned by the Kennedy Assassination. It is simply too hard to keep such a secret. Today, I have little doubt that the story told to the American people was an attempt, perhaps well meaning, to spare us from the terrible truth.
I have seen a number of video documentaries on the subject, which were originally aired on The History Channel. Some of them are still available on CD. At least one has been removed from the public market place. Although the videos do not, together, present a single cohesive theory of what actually happened, each one pokes a convincing hole in what we had previously been told. For example, in addition to Ann's father, the number of people murdered in the aftermath of Kennedy's assassination is alarming.
Although her book is predominately about Ann's up close and personal experiences, she has included a brief synopsis of each video, which I have not seen anywhere else. That information, and further details about the murder of her father, illuminates one of the darkest corners of our nation's history.
But, Ann's book is not about darkness. It is about living in the light.
Since 1998, our company has been privileged to present the music of Eva Cassidy. Like Eva, Ann Stockdale is a pure creative spirit. She was born and raised in Miami. They don't call 'em Hurricanes for nothin.' Ann touches everyone she meets like the gentle hurricane she is. And she remembers.
To all those who join in the leap, Welcome Aboard!
Bill Straw, flounder
Blix Street Records
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