Song Reviews

Nice track with a little bit of fun darkness- Great track!! Great Fun!!

Lovely track, edgy a bit dark but only in a fun way for anyone except the worlds fuckwits who are sadly everywhere until God wipes them off the face of tthe Earth. Its time for everyone to lighten right upm and let in anarchy, fun, life and get rid of mos of the rules on the planet and let us all learn torally live!!!!

United Kingdom, Oxford, England

Review for World Studios Song Temptation


ok this track Temptation from the first off musical content top notch spot on has the right feel and the right essances for this type of genre smooth jazz essances eminating and oozeing flaviours and colours of a tasty musical compilation the presentation of the overall track you can just about gain its motion i only say this as the full pow of the track seems to have been a little lost this is NOT a musical content issue the arrangement is spot on and the content is also top notch the clarity is for a production of this type is also acceptable but overall seeminly lacking in full luster i have spent some time looking at and listening to these types of musical compilations and one of the biggest aspects is alloweing the audience to get lost in the musical content and the dreamy smooth imagination invokeing content that this track has in abundance the partial eq that seemingly has been appied has the finish of a 1970s club with a dimension that has some resonances of a hard walled and somewhat slightly empty club so as i walk in to this club i could take the premis that i was the only one of a verry few listening to this track and this shine of finish that is present also looks to need the high end frequencys requireing a bit of spit and polish as in there is a slight muster to the frequencys rangeing in the 10,000 to the 20,000 hrz this for a digital presentation espically of a track that is worthy of a full master and a pow to the finish would turn this track in to a musical extravaganza i hope the time does get spent on dealing with some of the underlineing presentational issues i can nitpick i agree but wanting the uppermost for a musical piece that deserves all the trimmings why wouldent i ! and on a personnel note i also would add some extra enhancements to the female vocals so as i could gain the full depths of the essances of those oh so wonderfull tones and qualities that the artist gives to this compilation none the less if you are looking for that something special to endulge in then this will surely entice and capture your imagination a dreamscape for the mind (foot note please look at digital mastering presentation processing needs attension but dosent detrack from this musical wonder and again ive emailed you check your in box for a nice supprise lol) Groovecutter

United States, New York, London,France,China,World

Absolutely amazing sound


The music had great sounds and tones that really grabbed my attention. Songwriting and vocals were on point and brought as much to the song as the music did. Very well made and I really did enjoy it a lot. Just wanted to give you a little feedback didn’t have anything negative to say about it at all. Thanks for your time

United States, Arkansas, Mountain Home

TEMPTATION Review by Erik Lyon - Del Leon


Okay World Studios, I love this song. Great job on this one. A Smooth, Jazzy, Funky groove. Beautiful Lead Vocals, I enjoy the tone of her voice. Similar to BASIA. Great Piano/Key embelishments. A little horns and the the distorted guitar kicks in and your like... "NICE!" Great arrangement with a flow that pulls me right along with it. From beginning to the end, this song is PRO! I would not change a thing. My only recommedation would be to write 100 more. I gave you a share on my Twitter account as well. (ErikTheLyon) Keep up the great work! I'm a new fan. Cheers to you guys, Break A Leg!

United States, Texas, Austin

Moving forward

Brand Your Brand With international collaboration from around the world, I'm Q.ROCK from Cape Town South and alway up for a collaboration with any artist. My music a melting pot of goods vibes from Hip Hop, Jazz, Pop etc

South Africa, Cape Town

Transforming Sensations

Salut World Studios ! I had no idea of what to expect, but I have since been fixated and held spellbound by the tightly arranged 'ever-winding' instrumentation and movement of this work. The vocal tracks have a 'soulful hipness' that leave me fulfilled. Pleasantly pleased to have been exposed, and hope to catch more of your musical mobility. Bon Continuation ! Barrymore

France, Paris

Sounds like a pro recording to my ears.

A nicely done track, great production and vocal performance, and in particular I like the big, rich brass sound. Solo instruments weave in and out of the tasty mix, for brief moments, too brief for my liking. I would have liked to hear a longer solo by one or two instruments - that would have enriched the song greatly.

Canada, Quebec, Montreal

interesting feel

Has a very cool drum pattern, The keyboards add a lot to the recording. The whispering is interesting. The female vocals sound very fully and on pitch. Lots of delay in some of the backing tracks. But I like that kind of stuff. Good Luck

United States, California, Arroyo Grande


wow what a beautiful song love the sounds and muscianship............this song has a really good melody lines I can hear this song over and over............they the song was put together is very unique..........just love the way its sung the vocals are spot on the guitars, drums and. Both guitars were played perfectly...............can't say enough about this song ............I want to thank you for letting me review your amazing song thsnk you.......... This is steve from voodoo dancer and thank you again.....................

United States, New York, Middle village

musica originale


musica originale che ci può' dare qualcosa di nuovo anche se ormai nella musica e' stato setacciato tutto comunque bel mix mi voci e fiati a me piace bellissimo arrangiamento grazie per avermi chiesto la recensione

Italy, dalmine bg

Funky Jazz


Jazzy loops mix through this entire composition that has that 1970s vibe too it. It also has a little that Dirty Harry soundtrack feel as it goes through its paces. The arrangement is aa expected as the track progresses. The Mix is even throughout and all of the frequency space is utilized. The ending of the song breakdown is just a little anticlimactic but still works. :)

United States, Texas, DFW



I like the production sound and the vibe of the track along with the originality. I can feel the heart in this showing you've put in some dedicated work on your art. I like the tempo and the house strings through out. More artist should study the roots of their culture of art more to be better at their own art. Keep up the good work and stay in the lab creating new material to stay fresh and on your toes. If you're ever looking for a hip hop collaboration hit me up I'm versatile. Peace!

United States, South Carolina, Rock Hill

"Temptation" doesn't tempt

I was intrigued when I was asked to review this---after all as a fellow songwriter/producer I am always interested in hearing what others create. My rule of thumb is typically this: I give a song roughly 30 seconds to hook me, otherwise I pass on it. The song feels disjointed from the start---I get no vibe whatsoever (good or bad). This time I actually gave it another 30 to see if it got better, with no joy. I am sure that WorldStudios is chock full of great music... ...this one doesn't do it for me.

United States, Georgia, Atlanta

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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