Armor Of God / Events / Hanahan Amphitheater

Armor Of God

ARMOR OF GOD`s history begins somewhere back in the year 2011. However, its soul and purpose is much older and it was already lingering in lead guitar/vocal and songwriter Orlando Vicente`s mind for many years prior to its conception. Influenced by different metal styles and one of his favorite bands "Stryper," in the 90`s he started developing his technique singing and playing guitar for his firs... read more

  • Sat
    May 15

    Hanahan Amphitheater

    United States, North Carolina, Charleston , 3100 Mabeline Rd Hanahan, SC, 29410
    The Letter Black will be breaking the silence and bring live music to Charleston, South Carolina on May 15th 2021 at Get-Revelation! Rockfest. This event is an outdoor event for the entire family at the Hanahan Amphitheater on the Crowne Plaza Hotel stage. All ages can attend and will enjoy music, food, art displays, activities, and time in the summer sun. This is an outside event allowing for safe distancing.
    Gates Open at 1pm and there will be music all afternoon from other artists leading up to The Letter Black. Other confirmed artists include: Zahna, Warriors of Light, Worhol, Armor of God, The lasTrumpeT, Jenna Parr and Charleston's own Ziggie and Winter's Resurrection.
    All Ages





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