Song Reviews

Ta musique suce au maximum!

Ça fait un moment que je me promettais de te faire savoir suite à tes reviews merdiques sur plusieurs de mes compos que t’es un estie de cave et que ta musique de débile léger sonne comme la marde qui jouait dans les Woolco dans les années 70,c’est crissement nul à chier au même titre que tes reviews de merde que tu offres a pas mal tous les utilisateurs qui perfornent dans les charts à chaques semaines!C’est spectaculaire à quel point ça suce ton affaire le bouffon!

Canada, Quebec, Pointe-Au-Pic

A Very Nice Gentle Track for christmas

A great track at Christmas time, slow and reflective very nicely played a very populist track.. These guys desrve a big hit they are natural saucesssos to Abba!. I wait for the first big hithit!!

United Kingdom, Oxford, England


Hello how are you?! I hope all is well with you. I just wanted to give you a little feed back on your instrumental. Honestly I feel like you could have done a lot better. It’s not so bad, but could use more work and attention. Add some base line hard drops something. It can be a lot better than it is. I could be wrong but compared to your other work and into music I truly feel you could have done more with this instrumental.

United States, Texas, Dallas

Good Music!

I like the originality of your work. Strong message and creativity is a big plus. Good production, I can hear some good vocals to this, good job on the final mix-down. I can tell you have your heart and soul into what you do. Keep on pushing and never give up or get distracted in pursuing the dream of making it. I like the instrumental blend of sounds with some vocals and the production on the track is good. Keep up the great work! Peace!!!

United States, South Carolina, Rock Hill

cool song

Really good composition. Its a Song with a deep message behind, that touches something by the listener. Keep on doing you' re Kind of music, expression you want to. I wish you really all the best for the new beginning year - 2022- Stay healthy and happy as well! Hope you'll get in a creative process to create more songs, music can heal and gives us hope all over the planet! That is what I think about it. Hope you'll understand the mean conetent ?! Greets, Judith M, Germany

Germany, Schwerin

Pure Tranquillity

A very god evening to you both and thank you very much for your kind invite to review your Instrumental track "RAIMBOW ON THE RIVER BREMBO" which may i say in my personal music opinion found your composition to be pure tranquillity to listen to and was very well performed and recorded to a very professional standard,i have in the past had the chance to review other work from but have to say i truly enjoyed this one and wish you well promoting it.

United Kingdom, Belfast

Bellissima melodia

Ciao Artemisio e Loredana :) la melodia mi piace molto e, insieme al ritmo di percussioni, contribuisce a creare un'atmosfera popolare. Mi piacerebbe anche sentire una versione in stile Ennio Morricone senza percussioni, con archi e ritmo più lento (ovviamente darebbe una sensazione completamente diversa, ma credo sarebbe bella anche così). L'unica pecca, secondo me, è che si sente che gli strumenti non sono veri, ma sono totalmente conscia dei costi di produzione, perciò non posso giudicare questa scelta. Credo che abbiatr fatto un ottimo lavoro! Un abbraccio :)


This song sounds amazing the vocals wow................ the guitars amazing the tone of the singers voice wow wow..... this song sounds to so good it's put together extremely well. Iove the melody and the chorus.... this song is far from boring I canister to this song over and over....I want to thank for letting me review your beautiful song just amsxing......I want to wish you the very best of luck with this song and your amazing arrangement and vocals all the best................. Steve from voodoo dancer just love it............................ .....

United States, New York, Middle village

"Rainbow on the river Brembo" song review

A quite romantic and tranquil ballad of the italian duo. Several nice and warmhearting messages flow in the air while listening to this song. It's something like "Think of me, hold me tight and never let me go".

Serbia and Montenegro, Kikinda

Nice work

New music up on page from Sick O Supa(No Take Backs). New video to the song Party also, click the video link on the song. Thank you so much, we appreciate the great fan support and we ask that you spread the word and share our music and we will try our best to continue to give you the best music we have to offer, thank you again.

United States, Indiana, Worldwide


Good evening thank you for sharing this instrumental with me I like the sound very unique very clever well put together and well composed as awesome next to it. Don't stop being creative don't stop sharing your music keep on sending me your music to review to where I can download some of your music keep going to be in creative and never be afraid to go to the next left. Enjoy your weekend enjoy your upcoming week and you can't reshare keep in touch with me have a blessed day may God bless you and I'll let you go to do in create. Pete's

United States, California, Every Where

Good relaxing music

Italian duo Artemisio e Loredana have released a nice melodic setting entitled Rainbow (sic?) On The River Brembo. The track features a rollicking melody that conjures images of a scenic river.

United States, Washington, Seattle

fine music

I believe many of us grew up with at least one river nearby. I now live in the northwest USA where it’s a rainforest. There are many rivers here and they run fast and clear. I can personally testify RAIMBOW ON THE RIVER BREMBO by artemisio e loredana feels like a river. The water sounds in the intro and the steady rolling tempo makes me want to sit down and throw in a few rocks. Was that a fish? Was that a log? It just keeps going, wave to the people rafting. I’ll stay on shore this time thank you, the music is fine.

United States, Washington, Lakebay


Very nice composition - For a instrumental composition the music style is kind of special - sophisticate but popular - Solo instruments are very well suited with arrangement which is very rich with lot of very sophisticate well played instruments - In my opinion this composition have all attributes to be international radio hit - So go for it - This is great work - Keep on and do more of this fantastic music - Thank you I enjoy...

Spain, Las Americas - Tenerifa


If I be You I will cut off the Intro and focus on The more complex Arrangement ..You have a Nice Tune very relaxing and calm..good to perform It life..or make a video with this recording as a background music..any how I have no Idea haw Music Insiders will react. but try to send It out ( but again take out the Intro.) .and let's see what will happen..again this is a Nice tune to bat that You do not performing It life.. I wish You all The Best.. good Job

United States, California, Los Angeles


I'm not sure why You put water in this recording..This is a nice Melody and do Not Need "Water" as an always You compose a Nice Melodies good for a Life Performances in some Up End establishments but allYours Recording are luck of Recording Quality and this is a Main Reason that Music Publishers will Not take some for Invest some Money and make a Great Recording with Real Instruments..other way not much will happen.. Good Luck..

United States, California, Los Angeles


Kewl. I love the intro. It was a nice setup to a very relaxing tracking. Although the keys and some percussion parts could be less cheesy, this is a good song to relax and unwind to. Keep up the good work!

United States, Pennsylvania, READING


What I'm hearing in this recording are 2 Tunes...what about if Youmake the First as a Natural / Meditation / Relaxing Music and the other keep like It is..and Publish It as an Pop / Instrumental..I know that The Quality is not The Best but is ok to be played life in some Up End Establishments..again.. I do not know haw Music Publishers will react but there is always a chance that many People like Me will like Your Music... I wish You all The Best..

United States, California, Los Angeles





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