I CICIARUNE DE DALMEN. (rock berghem)


Song Reviews

Review of I CICIARUNE DE DALMEN. (rock berghem

Thank you for asking me to review your music. This piece start with a rock ballad setting with a bit of percussion and synths to get you off and running. with a number of instruments. drums, bass, lead guitar and even a saxophone, even back vocals. I don't speak the language, however the tune has a catchy pick up and melody. The recording is good and the mix is well. A nice piece for a pick me up.

United States, Utah, Logan

Good Vibes!

I like the originality of your work. Strong message and creativity is a big plus. Good production, I can hear some good vocals to this, good job on the final mix-down. I can tell you have your heart and soul into what you do. Keep on pushing and never give up or get distracted in pursuing the dream of making it. I like the instrumental blend of sounds with some vocals and the production on the track is good. Keep up the great work! Peace!!!

United States, South Carolina, Rock Hill


Hi, it is good rock song, empowered by upbeat rhythm in a wonderful synhronization with bass guitar lines. (the production is very good). I am always happy to hear your new songs, especially because of variety of rthythms, melodies and genres in a combination. Cheers, Igor

Serbia and Montenegro, Kikinda

cool song

Well i would like to tell you that i like xour song all in all. What is special youre verses are all individual ,only little nuances and very "small" changes in the melody, but i like this very much. Then in the Chorus its liekit should be in a good composed pop song: The SUN IS SHINING WITH ITS FULL POWER! Really cool ! Okay thats i want to tell you about your song and i hope you can deal with it ;). Many grettings from northern germany, Judith M, Schwerin, Germany

Germany, Schwerin


The music had great sounds and tones that really grabbed my attention and I really did enjoy it a lot. Just wanted to give you a little feedback didn’t have anything negative to say about it at all. Thanks for your time

United States, Arkansas, Mountain Home


Nice composition - very well performed with perfect and beatiful voice in a perfect interpretition - For a vocal composition the music style is kind of special - very sophisticated but popular - Instruments are very well suited with arrangement which is very rich and beatiful with well played instruments - In my opinion this composition have all attributes to be promoted for international market - So go for it - This is great work - Keep on and do more of this fantastic music - Thank you I enjoy...

Spain, Las Americas - Tenerifa

I CV I CV iarune

This song sounds amazing the vocals wow................ the guitars amazing the tone of the singers voice wow wow..... this song sounds to so good it's put together extremely well. Iove the melody and the chorus.... this song is far from boring I canister to this song over and over....I want to thank for letting me review your beautiful song just amsxing......I want to wish you the very best of luck with this song and your amazing arrangement and vocals all the best................. Steve from voodoo dancer just love it............................ .....

United States, New York, Middle village


Very nice song. I really like the electric guitar and keyboard. Also the mans voice is great. Great composition and message. I know it's been a hard year for us but we carry on. Great song my friend artemisio. Keep up the great songs! I really love them. JC.

United States, California, Sacramento

Good Hook

Good afternoon again my friend "(ROCK BERGHEM) this is the first time i have had the chance to review one of your Rock Songs and the first thing that struck me was the good strong hook that the track has together with some good guitar playing,i also enjoyed the melody and lyrics which was well produced and recorded in my personal opinion,i liked the vocals and the only thing i could say was wrong was the drum machine a good set of real drums would have set this out from the crowd.

United Kingdom, Belfast

I Cicicarune De Dalmen

I jumped up and wanted to Swing Dance with someone. The sound track is quite catchy and retro. Get Wild and Dance around with everyone. I feel others will have a similar opinion about the song. It does have a Rock feeling and sound a little bit Country so that makes it very different. That's a wonderful thing, if the song makes you move; Great Job Bravo!

United States, California, Los Angeles


Is this an Original Song or Cover... seem to me that I hear This before Sung by Someone Famous.. any how I'm not sure about that..this will be ok to play in some Village Wedding but I do not think It will "make it " in today music World..to simple .. I do NOT hear anything special more less is bellow average of Yours Recording.. I do think It need to be Re write.. Re Recorded more less starts from the begging..I wish You good luck with It.. but I do not think is Worth to put more Work and Money into..Good Luck..

United States, California, Los Angeles


.Good Try.. I like It..is Funny.. Happy Tune..but Is Not Important if I like It or not..Music Publishers and Radio Stations Must Love It in order to make something happen..I'm sure that You will found a way to make This Recording better..willbe a good idea to put that drums way in the back..well all is up to You..it is good to perform like that Life.. but is not yet ready for Major Music Publisher or Radio Stations..work on It.. let's see what will happen.. Good lUCK..

United States, California, Los Angeles

a melody worth remembering

I CICIARUNE DE DALMEN by artemisio e loredana has a Rock & Roll feel. The overdrive on the guitar and the upbeat rhythm track have Rock written all over it. A warm wooden snare drum drives the beat. The texture of Artemisio’s voice is not there by accident; the pitch is always perfect and the vocal part has a strong message to present. The dynamics are not overdone but are just enough to be noticed. A good mix and signal processing. I find myself wanting to sing along. I recommend I CICIARUNE DE DALMEN to help start your day.

United States, Washington, Lakebay


A nice Old Fashion Soft Rock..need some work on Arrangement.. Vocal sound nice in that style.. so just background Music and Recording Quality MUST be better..I do not know haw Music Insiders will react but something is telling Me that They will agree with me..but send this song out and let's see what will happen but do not expect much if They will write back..You need to put some more work into that song.. I wish You good luck..

United States, California, Los Angeles


I CICIARUNE DE DALMEN. (rock berghem. this song is a strictly rock piece in the highest sense of the word. everything sounds in rock style as I said everything recalls the rock genre. personally it is not my favorite genre but I can give you a musical judgment that is certainly positive because all that there must be in a rock piece in your piece is therefore complimented and continues. good job

Italy, italy

your song

Hello Artemisio, thank you for sending the song for review. Very nice Rock Pop song. I like very much, your voice is very nice, it goes great with the song, just the voice needed for this type of music. The sound of the song is also good, I can hear the things very well, the lyrics are also very well written, the guitars are very well played, congratulations on such nice music productions, many greetings from Germany and keep it up. Alfredo from King Mambo

Germany, Muenster





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