
Welcome Netzers!!! Building the band is proving difficult.

Well hello. Yes, still on my own, no bandmates, but as I have said in the past, I'm not too worried, for I continue to write some really cracking tunes. There are two in particular, right now, called "Kow Tow" and "The Keeper". "Kow Tow" is about bowing low, in Chinese culture, to a higher power. "The Keeper" relates to my stay in psychiatric hospital, and the abuse, both mental and physical, that occurred therein. Some killer chords in that one. And lyrics. I'm using my new guitar at the moment, called a Nexg 2, a space-age instrument, as some have called it. It has a built-in amp, so I can play it anywhere. It's so easy to use, and has many effects. It also does drums. Despite the band situation, I am happy, for I have other musical ventures to look forward to. Firstly, the musical I'm involved in, which is looking like it may go on tour(!), and a virtual supergroup, in Gateway, the centre I attend, for people with mental health issues. We have guitars, keyboards, and bass, and of course vocals. We play covers and originals. The four of us have all written some fantastic, above-average tunes, and are thinking of putting an album together. Which brings me onto my next subject : Depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia etc. To my mind, all of these so-called conditions are interchangeable, and basically amount to one thing : mental/mind disease. Yes, disease. Depression can be caught, just like the flu, except, of course, that it is harder to shake/get rid of. I myself have coined the term 'disease', because of the fact that it is invisible, unlike a broken limb, for example. Depression attacks the mind, in ways that make it impossible to detect, for the sufferer, or indeed anyone else. Families and friends/associates need to understand that depression is as real as any other illness, and can hang around for a long, long time. Tolerance and empathy are key, along with patience and compassion. Far too often, sufferers are effectively left alone, with absolutely no-one to depend on, or to talk to. This can lead to people seeing no way to carry on living, life is just too hard, and unbearable. They often feel guilty for visiting their condition upon everyone, which makes everything worse. I am living proof of this. I have recovered, thank the stars, and have no wish to preach. Somehow, I have come through, and feel it's my duty to literally spread the love. Yes, if you're a sufferer, I love you, unconditionally. I was once where you are now, seeing no sense whatsoever in being alive. I tried suicide three times, and all I can say is, thank goodness I did not succeed. I have a great quality of life now, and am managing to inspire others around me. Sufferers need to be listened to, and to be understood. Many things can kick in, including the worst soul/mind destroyer of all, paranoia. Like everything else, with appropriate listening, attention, and real giving of self, much unpleasantness can be nipped in the bud. And, ultimately, impending sadness can be turned around, it really can. So hang in there, you might not be fine for a while, and might feel like not carrying on, but let me tell you, you have something positive to offer, although it may not seem possible/apparent right now. Hang in there. I kow tow to you, whatever your condition. I wish you peace, love, and hope. Hope. Love and hugs. Yours, Eja xxx.

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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