Hey how are you? Hope all is well. Us in Ashes In The Sky want to apologize for the lack of communication, and lack of updates on what's been going on with the band. we just recently underwent a lineup change starting with a new vocalist, and a new bass player. So since the arrival of our new members we've been hard at work! kickin ass, and shredding some fine New York heavy metal for you. But don't worry we still have a couple of ballads for us softies out there. Lol.
We are planning on releasing our new album "Relentless" before the end of 2015 - or early 2016 if all else fails.
With that being said, stay tuned for more information, and see what the band has been up to, so check in with us on Facebook, we love to make new friends. Also make sure to check us out on instagram @ashesintheskyofficial, follow us, and please! Spread the Ashes. We greatly appreciate your patience, support, and interest in the band. Thank you so much!
- Ashes In The Sky
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