Hello Wednesday's Children,
hope everything is ROCKIN wherever you may be.
We are currently working on three things
the first is to get the album and videos completed and released.
the second is to get some radio airplay
the third is to get our show together just the way we want it so we can come and play in your area.
All three are equally important but we still need the help of our fans to spread the word
call your local radio station and ask them to play our song,call and call often they love getting calls and hearing from their listeners.The more they call the more they will be inclined to play us
Good Airplay means money for the station because they will have to get us to play in your town or city.
So make EVERYDAY WEDNESDAY and call, call, call..
We really want to come your town or city and play JUST for you.
Once again thanks for all the nice emails you have been sending us, we read each and every one, keep those coming as well even if you just wanna say hi.
Thats all for now, hope to see you in YOUR Town real soon.
Randy, Joann, and Jay