About AudOmatiK
A jack of all trades from St. Louis, MO. Audomatik of Audomatik Beatz and Lifefiend Records, brings a limitless mindset on the world of entertainment. Since the early 2k, a trendy hip hop artist from St. Louis, MO by the name of AudOmatiK ​(formally known as (expired link).) of AudOmatiK Beatz & Lifefiend Records, surfaced his musical ​talents. With the completion of 2 albums, 1 mix-tape and 3 singles under his belt. Audomatik ​continues to exceed general expectations of your typical independent artist / producer that ​host todays world of entertainment through originality, creativity and precision.
​ In 2001 Audomatik released his first album which was distributed by a local Slackers store, self titled "Clock Drift'uh". Clock Drift'uh was created with the use of demo products which gave a narrow time frame to write, produce, record, and mix an entire album. Shortly after... (cont'd @(expired link))
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