8 years ago

New music on the way

Ive been working on alot of new music setting up photo shoots, video shoots, and networking a bunch with other artists as well as producers.I've been working hard to get the best quality as far as sound visuals and some great new music ima share a new song with you all for subscribing to my newsletters thank you all for your continued support.Angermangement has been recorded, the album cover is on stall as of right now soon as I get that done you will be the first ones to hear it.The song is called "Get Like Me" it's going to be on blessing in disguise And will be my first video hope you all enjoy I've been getting great reviews no shows coming up had 2 in Dallas at the liqoud lounge on June 5th and May 29th.Thank you all agian I will be keep more of a update on upcoming shows and events in the future I apologize for not getting the word out about the earlier shows ,but they were last minute additons.





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