“I Like You” by AYHAN SAHIN


Song Reviews

“I Like You” by AYHAN SAHIN


Upon your very first listen to “I Like You” by New York City based artist Ayhan Sahin, you cannot help but to be deeply impressed by the musicianship, songcraft and inspired production values. While Sahin's musical influences are quite evident, he has undoubtedly achieved a sound that is uniquely his own. Very much looking forward to any new music from this genuinely gifted artist!

United States, Hawaii, Volcano

Unique Pop-style

I like this song cause the lyrics sound like a story and touching the heart. The singer has an emotional vocal projection and the melodoius phrasings in the chorus make this song engaging for me. Lively beat of the drums and accompaining acoustic guitar making the music rich and bring the listener on the next level. Sparse key-sound and additionally perfect orchestrated e-guitar making the arrangement complete. All instruments really stand out. Overall a very impressive recording good mixed and mastered. Contemporary pop music in perfection. It´s worthwhile to listen and I´m sure you will like to add him.

Germany, Hamburg

Cheery Breakfast Pop

Well put together pop song.Beatles style hooks and catchy chorus. Jangly guitars and spangly percussion makes a fairly pleasant little song that has a cheery melody. Smooth production adds up to create an easy listening track that suits the morning hours.

Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver

Good recording

Some good stuff here, but a bit more production refinement and separation might be a big help hear. Some vocal tuning especially on the backing would also help - applying a plugin like Waves Tune should do the trick. Choice of instruments work well for the track. Some time cleaning up your stems sonically would help the vocal to cut through. Use your EQ to make everything sits in its own space in the mix. This would improve overall clarity and improve the listening experience. Wish you all the best with the song.

United Kingdom, London


The mix is a little muddy, each instrument could stand out more with eq, compression, some other tools. The overall mix could use some more high end as with each instrument. Message and we could chat about how to improve the mixing and then the master. Vocals also need to come up and could use some light tuning.

Canada, Ontario, Toronto

Good Sounding Pop Rock


"I Like You" is a pop rock song that delves into themes of longing and desire. The lyrics paint a picture of someone yearning for a connection with another person, expressing a desire to be close and share moments together. The repetitive nature of the chorus, with lines like "I wanna hear you bitch, I wanna hear you whine," and "I want you to like me," emphasizes the intensity of the speaker's feelings. The use of metaphors such as "like a secret police" adds an intriguing and mysterious element to the song. His voice reminds me on Bob Dylan 68 (after his motorcycle accident) Not to forget the good mix. The mid tempo and catchy melody make this song a fun and lively listen. The adlibs and creative license in the form of "Woo's, oh's" add a playful touch to the overall composition.

Austria, Vienna

i like you


Australia, NEWCASTLE

Fine recognizable tune...mixing/mastering needs a

Funny...I made a song myself "In my room" by Comping Harry. If I hear real instruments, I get a little jealous. I do everything with VST inside the computer....the song has a nice drive, but the production quality/mix/mastering could be better. It's like there's too much (tape) distortion. A cleaner recording would attract more attention...I always think of music I know when listening to other people...your voice has a little McGuinn, Clark and Hillman sound...Enjoy the music...try to improve the final (cleaner mixed) recording ....

Netherlands, Weert

Catchy tune

Catchy rhythm guitar part to start off the song, good integration of acoustic guitar. The bass propels the rhythm section well. 80's vibes from the vocal part. Wah guitar part highlights the chorus well.

United States, Nevada, Las Vegas

I Like You, Too

One of the things I enjoy most about Number One Music artists is the newfound ability to hear music from around the world by singers who I'd never have the chance to listen to otherwise. That, in itself, is a great thing. Here, with this song the vocal intro with the duh-duh-duh gets my feet tapping, and the singers tone and pitch is warm and inviting - I want to hear more. The lyrics themselves are not the strongest, but the groove is great, well produced and mixed and a fun tune to put on repeat.

United States, California, Huntington Beach

I Like You review


This is an interesting song that seems to have a nice production to it. The vocals are well done with wonderful harmonies carrying it throughout the production. The areas I would suggest correcting are as follows: I the pre-chorus I would look for some better lyrics to replace how many times you repeat the word "mysterious". You have it in three out of four of your lines. This would be one of the first things an industry exec would pick up on when considering the song. The second thing I would change is using the word "bitch" in the reference you used it. There has to be better ways you can express your thought here. Good luck with this one and keep on writing!

United States, California, San Diego


we like the way song starts and the mixing and mastering of song we like to hear more from artist in this genre we like the instruments in this song thank you for allowing us to give you a review

United States, Georgia, Decatur

cool song

there in these special times, music is a language maybe most of people can geht some healing, joy and experience Kindes. So thanks for your song, expressions of yourself to Spread something out. Many greetings from northern germany, Judith M.

Germany, Schwerin

Buon ritmo

Buon titolo cantato con molto garbo e ottima voce per una bella canzone melodica e orecchiabile è bello anche l arrangiamento è il contorno con bei coretti si ascolta volentieri questo cantante molto bravo che sa modulare bene la voce è a me piace il tutto va molto bene e per me è di livello grazie per la rewiew buona musica a tutti imusicisti partecipanti a questa bella canzone

Italy, dalmine bg

Friday Feeling!


Hello Young Pals Music! I like your sound! It is kind of like a Beatles feel, also a little like 70's music too! You have a fresh sound and it has a real positive vibe , which is very attractive! The band sounds tight and your drummer sounds like a real drummer! Very nice! I like your lyrics as they are easy to hear. I could hear this song in a fun detective show! Good back up vocals and great production! Just a bit of compression on the main vocals but very well done!! Happy Friday!! Rachel :-)

Canada, British Columbia, Williams Lake

Fluffy, cloudy, blur

This seems unfinished to me. A lot of effects but no clear groove, no really dominating theme, it is all a bit cloudy or fluffy. This drum computer pattern doesn't make me wanna dance. The chord combination, the tune itself, has been heard millions of times, so you have to make it special in one or the other way, and this is what I am missing. The song starts and ends, and in between nothing really happens.

Germany, Schweinfurt


Ciao sono Lorenzo Puma sto ascoltando in questo momento la tua musica e perfetta come suono e buono anche gli strumenti musicali sono buoni e la voce anche hai fatto un bel lavoro sono qui per farti una recensione e come stelle ti metto 5 perché te lo meriti e continua così se ti va puoi sentire le mie canzoni sono anche su YouTube e su altri canali se te sei su Spotify e su YouTube mi iscriverò e se vuoi e ti fa piacere lo puoi fare anche te

Italy, Torino

Young pals music “I Like You” by AYHAN SAHIN

Oh boy Young pals music releases “I Like You” by AYHAN SAHIN. Wow OK Ayhan Sahin outs himself here has being a very available bachelor "I wanna here you bitch. I wanna here you wine" Get your tickets now! because they are going to sell out with a line around the corner. Apparently Ayhan Sahin is even OK with a secret police woman? If I'm hearing this right and he wants to cross the line. Ding, Ding, Ding Hello? Make sure Ayhan has sexual release form or young pals may lose a talent with a modern pop song with a big bitchy winey pop potential.

Germany, Nuremberg

A fun song!


This song is a fun and even a sort of quirky kind of tune, with a definite potential to become an earworm! An earworm is a term for a song that keeps going around in your head, over and over again, and THAT, is a good thing!! I really appreciated the lyrics, which bring the quirkiness into it, and the recurring melodies and phrases which give it the earworm potential, and the overall production is great. The lead and background vocals are spot on! Great job abd keep it up! Five stars!

United States, New Jersey, Toms River

“I Like You” by AYHAN


wow nice .this song has a really good melody lines I can hear this song over and ........ over.............................this the song was put together well is very unique..........................just love the way its sung the vocals and the drums were played perfectly........................... i can't say enough about this song .........................I want to thank you for letting me review your amazing song thank you.......................... This is steve from voodoo dancer and thank so much to letting me review your song you..again.************.............

United States, New York, Middle village





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