“Come And Get Me Now” by Ayhan Sahin (A2B Mix)


Song Reviews



Come and get me now okay come and get me now capture my ears because sometimes you just want to tell a person like I love you I need you and I just want you to come and get me like I want you to fight for me I want you to feel the same way that I feel towards you about me so come for me is actually beautiful nicely written I love the vocals I love the lyrics key job just keep promoting yourself like don't ever give up market brand yourself put your music on anything that you feel like you'll get an audience and you'll get a fan base and just you know believe in it'll go for that for you

United States, Oklahoma, OKC

Come And Get Me Now


Rosie Rumba: Hey Ice, why did we way so long before reviewing this tune? Iggy Ice: Hmm, I think we just got this one? Rosie: So, I sent it to Frankie D. who texted; "Rosie, I'll say this for the studio, bravo. The rest I'll leave for you and Ice." Rosie: I listen in the lobby with my earbuds, then the Edifeirs while the Flash set up the studio. Ice: How did it sound with the 18" subwoofer and the two 15"s? Rosie: It passed the ceiling tile test. Ice: Sorry I couldn't be there live with you. Rosie: The artistry and compassion on and of this track is in the top 5% of what's reviewed IMO. Ice: Qualify that statement for me please. Rosie: Okay Ice. Vocally superior to most say for example on n1m, and lyrically above average. Ice. I agree Rosie. Frankie D., who is from a different era than me and decades older than you may have given this track top scores like we did, but the aggregate is worthy of streaming on any platform and garners a 4.9 when we factor out Frankie D's age. (takes a deep breath), Rosie: Hmm. Sound logical to me Ice. On behalf of iAndroid, our P3 review of Young Pals Music is conclusive. Most worthy! Stream it to believe it... Rosie Rumba, Producer - Track Talk

United States, New York, Mamaroneck

Bop review

Here’s an interesting track with a mix of ska,eighties rock,and electronic reggae interesting. This is a safe but simple track that delivers its message throughout the rhythms to the structure of this song.the song sounds very good including the arrangement to the altro it’s well produced and the music genre is very catchy and solos are very catchy. I was impressed with the short horns sounded good. This was a cool track to review and it was a very interesting song to listen to. Great job

United States, Pennsylvania, Nazareth


Great song!!! Great feel!!! I love the turn around the drummer did near the end (which was happening as I'm writing this) The horns at the end, too! Ugh!!!! THIS ROCKS!!! The lyrics are incredibly honest. This is so refreshing! Great Work!

United States, California, Los Angeles


Damn Damn This song is groundbreaking , I can feel that you worked on it from your heart, thus art. I cant wait to hear more and more from you, you will become something truly big. Please do attach more of your social media

South Africa, Johannesburg

N1M force us to review or block

Ante todo, pedir disculpas por estas palabras, nuestra intención no es molestar a nadie: La plataforma N1M nos obliga a hacer críticas al trabajo de otras personas, sin otra alternativa (como compartir canciones o eventos). Nosotros no somos los más capacitados para decir qué es lo que está bien o no, musicalmente, los gustos de la gente son muy diversos y, como es normal, no vamos a ser nosotros quienes juzguen las horas y horas de trabajo de otros músicos. Esta plataforma musical, sólo intenta sacar provecho de los músicos, no se aprecia en ningún momento que pretenda dar a conocer el trabajo de los músicos. Por supuesto, el trabajo que ha hecho Young Pals Music, es un gran trabajo. Ha realizado una composición plena y ha transmitido parte de sus conocimientos y su creatividad al oyente para despertar sentimientos diversos. Eso es la música. Es el oyente quien ha de decidir si está bien o no una composición, si transmite las sensaciones o no. No se puede obligar a opinar sobre el proceso creativo de un artista, a cada persona le produce una reacción diferente. Un saludo desde España

Spain, Valencia

Come and Get Me Now Review

This is a fun song...I can see it getting some club play as well. Love the vocals, the overall musical arrangement and the hook is right on point. You should explore some remixes too if you haven't already done it. Well done!

United States, New York, Uniondale


Hi,I believe that not much happens of any significance when we're in our comfort zone. I hear people say, "But I'm concerned about security." My response to that is simple: "Security is for cadavers." There's an old Chinese saying that I just love, and I believe it is so true. It goes like this: "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed." One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love.Thanks and good luck!

Estonia, Tallinn

Nice track

I have listen to your music and it was so cool and nice in the ear I listen and listen and listen on and on it was best you have done a nice work realesing the song you sang nice and you push up good music keep up the good job

United States, New Jersey, Industrial Hilsdale

Really Good!

Very well done song, with a Big City Sound. All instruments are easy to hear and understand. This is a Pop rock Dance Track that can go in many directions. Very well recorded, and performed. Very interesting sound and vibe to this song. Good Work. Keep up the good stuff. Sincerely Edward Westbrook

United States, North Carolina, Raleigh

Interesting Pop

Modern songwriting. Interesting vocals. And well mixed. Let me say that for pop radio there is no clear structure of verse, refrain and bridge. I think this can be a problem for some commercial radio stations. Nevertheless I like it.

Austria, Vienna

Young Pals Come and get me now

Young Pals Come and get me now. OK so here young pals music releases a smooth sounding toe tapping pop tune. However when I was tapping my foot along to come and get me now I could not help to feel like I really wanted the drums to have a thicker sound and maybe bring up the volume just a little bit. I mean this is a big part of this song {the foot tapping} The main purpose of the song is for it to be commercial, but an even more important point is missed. This song should be faded out at 3:00-3:15 so that the radio stations like it more. Cannot expect a radio station to take the time to figure the edit for you even if I did after only just a couple of listens.

Germany, Nuremberg



Australia, NEWCASTLE

Cool-You Got Me Now!

What a great song. I'm an uptempo music lover. This is a positive uptempo 'will be' hit. Really really good. Verses and bridge could be chorus music. How strong is that! Never swayed off the groove. Couldn't ask for more. This is the (A2B Mix). Now I want to hear where this mix came from.

United States, California, Los Angeles

More of this NOW

One of the things I enjoy most about Number One Music artists is the newfound ability to hear music from around the world by singers who I'd never have the chance to listen to otherwise. That, in itself, is a great thing. Here, with this song I'm immediately pulled in by the electro beat. Dreading that the vocals will disappoint. Until Young Pals start singing and then I'm enjoying an ear worm candy worthy of Kfir (NYC based). Really a groove friendly, fun song I will enjoy on an endless repeat. More please and thank you.

United States, California, Huntington Beach

Cool song vibe!

I really like how this song jumps up and grabs you! Excellent mix of instruments and arrangement, plus the use of spacial stereo separation plain is excellent. The Bridge fits in well, with the drop of instruments, then kicking back up, help make this a song I'll refer to as Not Boring. Great job!!

United States, California, Los Angeles

Great Production

With a bit of a nod to the late 80’s or early 90’s this song keeps the listener’s attention. Every eight bars a new sound is introduced or the arrangement takes a sudden turn. Though the same chord changes occurs throughout, it’s the great arrangement and production of the song that leaves one wanting to all the way through. This is one song not to be overlooked, but listened to several times, and each time, hearing something new.

United States, New York, New York

Young Pals review

This is a really cool groove and your production is done well. You have got your vocals right out front where the listener can hear you. The track is very well mixed and has enough variance to keep the interest. Not knowing what you are doing with the song, my only suggestion would be to edit this song down to what appears to be the requested timeframe that the industry is currently asking for (approximately three to three and a half minutes). You could easily do this just by cutting down your outdo, which is rather long by their standards today. Other than that you have a good pop song. Keep them coming and good luck!

United States, California, San Diego

Exceptional Pop-Song brilliant arranged


Liked it from the start. Nice song with a good feel. Short intro from engaging acoustic guitar. Impressive mixture of melodious tunes and persistent beat. Additional e-guitar accompanying and various digital sounds enriching the mood. Imaginative transitions from stanza to the chorus making the song lively and creative. Unique vocals and lyrics from the heart bringing beauty into the chorus-line. This arrangement is definitely professional and very creative, influenced of dancefloor and pop music in perfect orchestration. I can´t stop listen to this song and I´m sure you will like to add him. Let others know your recommendation.

Germany, Hamburg





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