6 months ago

I am now on TikTok doing live covers if anyone’s interested link added well

If anyone is interested, there are live vocal covers and instrumentals thank you so much for listening, hopefully soon I will start writing original context again but right now I need to make some changes. I wish everyone a healthy and wealthy life. .https://www.tiktok.com/@azmindcandy_?_t=8nYEpGPXZDq&_r=1

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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