Bane of Bedlam
Australia, Melbourne
Bane of Bedlam
Bane of Bedlam - 2015L-R Brad Parker, Chris Parker, Nick Walker, Glen TrayhernBane of Bedlam 2014Facebook-Header-flyerHI-RES COVER smallbane-(1)-copy

Bane of Bedlam

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About Bane of Bedlam

To purchase our album 'Monument of Horror' head over to
(expired link)

"There is something deeply infectious in the energy that comes out from these tracks; with every facet of the band on display, from their bracing and imposing-as-hell drums and clang and rupture of bass, to the raw and relentless rhythms that pulse and rush with a steady, if not understated groove..."

"...a vicious eruption made musical...truly turbulent melodies and flourishes on the bass that are a true testament to the talent of the members..."

-Metal Obsession (Tristan Peterson)

"...a thrash metal band, yet, they often transcend being merely that...bringing out the best elements of the genre and marrying it to modern sophistication...this is the kind of metal album that captures the hearts of thousands."

"...some of the most memorable and exciting thrash to come out in years."

-Two Guys Metal Reviews (Paris)

"... very teutonic in nature and reminiscent of Kreator and Sodom and a lot of Poland's Vader as well. The music is very dark, very angry and at points bordering on a near "death" experience..."

"...songs like Vultures Of War and Murder are classics as the guitars really drive the music forward."

- (expired link)

Brad Parker - Vocals
Chris Parker - Guitar
Glen Trayhern - Drums
Nick Walker - Bass

After more than six years of living, working and rehearsing together, broken bones, amputated fingers, mental conditions, fist fights, lineup changes, 3 independent releases, countless live appearances and an interstate move from Brisbane to Melbourne, the long awaited debut album from groove laden death thrashers Bane of Bedlam - "Monument of Horror" is finally available.

"Monument of Horror" - containing artwork by the revered Marco Hasman and featuring guitar solos by Dean Wells, represents a band who has been through countless highs and lows, yet has managed to continuously balance these extremes and stick together.

Currently in the process of booking Australian and international dates, 2015 is scheduled to be a massive year for Bane of Bedlam.

Endorsed by:

-Yamaha Basses
-Mayones Guitars and Basses

Plays Today: 39

Total Plays: 15,296

Profile Views: 17,418

Subscribers: 505

Followers: 214

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:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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