Barbara Berta
1 year ago

New song Dadedude

Io e mio nipote

David Charlie è il mio nipotino. Catturato in un video amatoriale mentre tentava di parlare con il cane, i suoi versetti erano così melodici, intonati e a tempo che ho pensato di costruirgli attorno una canzone. E' nata così "Dadedude", mio personale contributo per la festa del suo primo compleanno il 10 luglio 2023. David Charlie est mon petit neveu. Capturé sur une vidéo alors qu'il tentait de parler au chien, ses cris étaient si mélodiques, en harmonie et dans le temps que j'ai pensé de construire une chanson autour d'eux. C'est ainsi qu'est né "Dadedude", ma contribution personnelle pour son premier anniversaire le 10 juillet 2023. David Charlie is my grandchild. Caught on home video traying to talk to dog, his verses were so melodic, in tune and in time that I thought to write a song around them. This is how "Dadedude" was born, my personal contribution for his first birthday party on July 10, 2023 Dadedude (BB / CC) Dadedude And Didedude Every little smile is a big surprise Brighter than a sunset and a sunrise Lighting my soul You light my way back home Travelling together on a rainbow train If we could have a little paper plane we would fly Even above the sky It’s more than you think, more than you’ve got Or everything you want Is a Dadedude and Didedude There’s no way out and no escape Nothing to give and nothing to take Than a Dadedude and Didedude If I could see the world through your big clear eyes It would ease the pain of my hardest days In the end… Things are how you look at them It’s more than you think, more than you’ve got Or everything you want Is a Dadedude and Didedude There’s no way out and no escape Nothing to give and nothing to take Than a Dadedude and Didedud





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