It has beena long time since I have posted a Newsletter. 2020 has been a whirlwind to say the least, and it isn't over yet. I will do my best to catch you up with the latest. Before I do I would like to thank all of you for your part in getting me to the 3 Million plays plus that I have had. I know that God is in it all. I am so grateful for the plays, for all the new subscribers, and for all the the many joining my network. This is just the begining, and God has shown me just where it is all going. For His Glory. For the King of Glory.
The plan that God has shown me is for me to focus on taking it to the next level. He spoke to me in my Spirit, and told me way back that the music is designed to bring forth healing. It is the tool that will be used to raise funds for the "Holy Ghost Hospital" the place that will be used to help the hurting, and those suffering from damaged emotions. So I must focus on getting the music out there.
Some people think that all this is some sort of pipe dream. The devil constantly tries to tell me I am not worthy, and that all this doesn't matter. When I get these thoughts I just remind myself of the vision, ther mission, and the lost thast God wants to reach. It is not up to me it is up to God. You may be facing a similar situation where you seem up against the wall. Well that's a good place because there is no where else to go but toward God and His will for your life.
I live in Michigan, and our beloved Governor is tightening things up again. It is hard for those of us who desire to minister, and I am sure those of you who feel the same can relate. It does make things difficult, but not reachable. This Covid will be over soon.
Just want to say that it saddens me the outcome of the election. I do hear from God, and he reminded me of others who thought they could do deeds of darkness without being called out on it. How they ended up facing Gods wrath in the end. What really surprises me is how so many of my fellow Christians voted for a party that blatently go against Gods will. I could list so many issues of the far left, but only need to say this. How could a Christian vote for a platform that believes it is allright to kill an innocent baby. The bottom line is that so many are blinded. The percentage of abortions that are created due to rape are very low. Those babies didn't have a choice when the mother decided to have sex unprotected.
I know that I am not a perfect man, but I am a repentive man. I just pray that those who voted for the party that wants to kill Christianity will repent before it is too late. Enough of that for now!!!!
Back in studio this week new songs to come. New Hope on the horizon.
God Bless You
Pastor Benjamin Thomas