Ben Steagall
United States, South Carolina, Gaffney

About Ben Steagall
I am a 78 year-old retired paramedic supervisor and retired lead singer for a Southern Gospel Quartet, which 99% of you will not recognize as we sang from 1976 until 1999 for love offerings from any church that asked us and a lot of time for free. We called ourselves The Crusaders and were based out of Gaffney, SC. For many years my mother played the piano until she had to quit in the early 90's due to arthritis in her hands. Then we switched to soundtracks, which at first, I hated due to the fact they couldn't cover up my mistakes like my mother could. From the start I let the guys know that if we ever had to ask a church for money, I would be through, and we never needed to spend one cent of our pockets for any equipment or transportation, old busses, luckily, I was a mechanic as I grew up working in my dad's garage although we did buy our own meals most of the time. I sure miss those guys as I am the last one that hasn't been called home. I have posted most of my music downloadable for free, but a couple of my latest I didn't do so as Daywind charged me a $50 fee per track to post them to my streaming site. Haven't figured out if they will let me make them downloadable. I'm not in the best of health these days due to health complications from Agent Orange exposure, but I am still a faithful servant of my Lord Jesus Christ, after all He saved me
before I ever knew Him by allowing to survive my ship, the USS Frank E Evans DD754, getting cut in half by an Australian aircraft carrier at 0315 on June 03,1969, killing 74 shipmates with 73 of them going down with the front half in the South China Sea off the coast of Vietnam. Thankfully I was smart enough to asked Him to be the Lord of my life on November 17, 1975. Anyway, thank everyone for supporting my N1M music site. I was on for a while but shut it down for almost a year. I rejoined in April of 2021 and have 582,654 plays and 769,859 views. It has amazed me. Love you all.
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