

Song Reviews



I think it sounds suspenseful like the beginning of 28 days later overall it’s cool because it then changes and make you feel like something isn’t bout to happen and the the vocals are really good and goes along with the tone great job keep up the good work

United States, Indiana, Moonlight Ridge

Bitten by love


When the music starts I think, it sounds like the intro to something familiar yet mysterious. Then it get hardcore in the middle. I hear secret desires, a bloodlust that suddenly explodes in my ears. Yet that sweet voice returns until at the end, the howl of the shelf. So yes, this song is really good.

United States, California, Berkeley

Howl to the moon


I like the mysterious, fundamental mood of this song, alternating homogeneously with the simple, but heavy middle parts. The voice fits perfectly to the verse and raises its subtle energy in a calm, restrained, yet demanding way, erupting in raw power into the chorus part. Cool song, keep up your work Bern! Cheers, Rob

Austria, Vienna

Gostei do som


Realmente quero honra este projeto na qual tenho acompanhado e tem chamado muito minha atenção..... realmente qualidade e sonoridade impressionam além de toda atmosfera em sua canção, muito bom

Brazil, São Paulo



Nice vocal lead, I like the live sound and mix of drums. A little bit of a classic mix showing you've done your homework on your art. More artist should study the roots of their culture of art to be better at their own art. Keep up the good work and stay in the lab creating new material to stay fresh and on your toes. If you're ever looking for a hip hop collaboration hit me up I'm versatile. Peace!

United States, South Carolina, Rock Hill

good voice


excellent vocals I love the the sound clarity very good the guitar sounds really well very good song keep up the good work I really like the drums in this song they go really well together

United Kingdom, Nottingham

Bern... She-Wolf


Moody guitar work with climaxing inserts interesting Vocals well performed and sung interesting vocal styles smooth to Rock less is more on this track keeping the atmosphere right to the end I think the conclusion to this experiment is that you have produced a unique work and and using the sustain on the guitar to create the baying effect is clever the drums and Bass keeping us grounded. Well done.. so put on the over ears and press play hold on to your seat.. great work Best regards Stephen

United Kingdom, Gloucester

Under my skin

Soft nice feel it in my soul and under my skin lovely voice it cool to mix the song so powerful and softly more or less at the same time i sure recommend you to listen and let it inside your heart

Sweden, Norrköping

She-Wolf is a killer


Building slowly with an insistent beat, She-Wolf cranks up the tension with brooding lines and screaming vocals. Crunchy percussion and processed guitars grind out a catchy hook, worth a spin.

United States, Arizona, PHX

Contrast the heavy

Hola, nunca es fácil hablar del arte de otra persona. Quien soy para decir quien es mejor o peor artista. Pero si puedo hablar de lo que me gusta y en este caso me gusta el tono heavy de la voz cuando heavy. Como contraste con el inicio está genial, un inicio muy blando que siento echo a propósito porque más adelante en la canción hay letra en la misma tesitura y el tono es firme, bien, me gusta. Entonces este contraste como expresión artística está bien, me gusta... Blando versus agresor heavy después. Personalmente podemos dejar como trade mark de la banda el echo de que la batería no cambien el beat para nada, salvo platos, pasando de vallada a heavy. Yo prefiero otras cosas pero si os gusta como marca personal de la banda, todo vale. Los cambios de balada a heavy es tan brutal que algo más que poner o quitar platos haría un efecto mayor. El bajo/bajista bien, sólido. En general está bien logrado la parte heavy, me gusta mucho. A modo personal, ya se que hoy por hoy grabamos todo con claqueta/click, pero se me hace pesado, no camina... O corre la canción con fluidez. Pesa el pulso tirando para atrás cuando para mi la sensación es de ir hacia adelante. Si eso es lo que se busca lograr, lo consigue el tema... Genera en mi in poco de angustia con la sensación de aumenta ion rítmica con pulso lento. En general el trabajo está bien, contraste a nivel vocal que me gustan y la sonoridad heavy me gusta también. Si la nota aguda de la guitarra de los primeros segundos de la canción tuvieran la misma convicción que las mismas notas en el final del tema, harían que desde un principio la atención del oyente estuviera firme. En hora buena por el trabajo y a seguir creando.

Spain, Madrid

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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