Big Jac
United States, Michigan, Grand Rapids/Bridgeport, CT

About Big Jac
Just a person motivated to do it, just trying...wrote my first rap at age 11...you the whole spell your name out....got better as time went on....form a group Ruggid Fam in late 1999 along with my cousin Reinaldo (Pharoah, Poncho Villa), my friends Tunji (Human), Quincy (GQ), and James (Nuke) we made a 10 song cd...but I moved out of state soon after, still writing, and recording (time to time) timing got off and found myself spending mad money in studios. Not coming out wit good material I used my own money to invest in a home studio and brought forth two mixtapes, (BELIEVEME) and (Get2Knome), and a R&B rap mixtape with my Bruddah Lydell James (aka LJ)
named (Muzik2Lyrikz) (written and recorded between years 2010 and 2014) and here we are I'm Jadschi (Big Jac) Green, videos for "We Made It" "Never With Me" and Right Now" on youtube search modelali86.....Thank you for all the support....not looking to be signed, just looking to be heard...???? Big Jac1212 (soundcloud) get at me bigjac331@g (expired link)
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