Crowd Funding Fan Support
Greetings, my friends - osiyo oginalii!
I would like to ask all of you a question whose answer is important to me. I am currently considering a crowd funding campaign to accomplish three goals: to turn my earliest recording, "Songs From Turtle Island", issued in 1994 only as an audio cassette, into a full-fledged up-to-date CD; to re-issue my 1998 CD "Heart Song"; and to finish production of my latest CD, "Dancing In the Flames". My question is in trying to determine what support I might get to do these things in a crowd funding campaign - is this a worthwhile campaign that you would consider supporting? Please let me know what you think. I'm including a copy of a painting done of me at one of my live performances with a link to a blog article explaining how the painting came to be. I hope you enjoy it and please think over your answer to my question! Thanks to all of you! Dohiyi!