Blu Rum 13 Band Fan App
This is a special announcement from Team BluRum13!
2018 saw Blu Rum achieve his dream of assembling a live band from some of the most talented and cool musicians he's worked with over the years. Repping Spain, France, Poland, and Cuba, The Ultraverse made its debut at Poland's prestigious Solidarity of Arts Festival to great acclaim. On the heels of that, BluRum13 & The Ultraverse were selected by the Jet8 Foundation as the second featured performance in the DEN Culture Sessions - a series of live recordings that launches "Decentralized Engagement Networks" for artists and their fans... in other words, a dedicated BAND APP where all our fans can share and show their support. Thanks to Jet8's blockchain technology, you also earn JETS crypto-currency while doing so, which allows you to purchase posters, music, merch and eventually concert tickets from our dedicated shop. How cool is that?
Check the link to watch the abridged DEN Culture session on YouTube...
If you're on Android (iOS version is coming soon), download the app from Google Play: and post a selfie with one of Blu's stickers to let us know you're onboard! We'll be sharing exclusive news, videos, upcoming shows, and insights into BluRum13's Ultraverse... Can't wait to see you on the app!
In The Ultraverse, we're all stars.
Team BluRum13