IN MY LIFE Title track of my new CD
Posted at 2015-04-18
Posted at 2015-04-18

First off, THANK YOU ALL for listening and recommending my music. I am flattered and pleased with your comments and support.
I have many more songs and videos on reverbnation, YouTube and ourstage. My next album is coming soon and I am attaching the title track. I hope you enjoy it.
This has been an interesting year. Two of my long time friends (and guitar students) passed away and a long relationship ended. This song just kinda popped into my head when I picked up my guitar.
In My Life is already available as a single on itunes and I would appreciate any sales to help finance the new album. I also have 2 CDs available as well," A Little Light a Little Dark" and "The Round World" on itunes and other music sites.