Bodil Victoria Arnesen

About Bodil Victoria Arnesen

The Norwegian soprano Bodil Victoria Arnesen has received a great deal of recognition for her velvety voice and for her interpretations of classical contemporary Music. Bodil Victoria Arnesen performed all over the world with famous conductors and orchestras. The New York Times wrote the following about her performance: "...Gorgeously, readings by Bodil Arnesen, a Norwegian soprano
with a velvety tone and a gracefulinterpretative manner."

Often her voice is portrayed by the press as a clear source of clean water. She has her own sound that can easily be recognized by anyone listening for a second time.

Her career has brought her concert-apperaeness throughout Europe ,in the States and the Far East with excellent public critic’s acclaim. Among the places she has sung are; Lincoln Center New York, Queen Elisabeth Hall, Suntory Hall Tokyo, Victoria Hall Singapore, Wigmore Hall ,Musica del Palau, Bavarian Staatstheater Munich....She has won a number of music prizes. Among them are: Kirsten Flagstad Prize, ARD Music Prize(3) in Munich, The Grieg Prize, The National Prinseess Astrids prize (1) Norway, Mirjam Helin Music Prize(3) for singers in Helsinki, scholarship from British Petroleum and Statoil's sponsorship-program for musicians.

Bodil Victoria Arnesen has given performances at Operafestivals, in El Salvador Brazil and sung roles like Blondchen in Die Entführung aus dem Serail with an Opera Company from Dresden Staatsopera. Otherwise, she sang in the Magic Flute of Mozart Pamina, Bertha in the Barber of- Seville during the Festivals in Bergen and Opera Bergen. In Munich, she took the role of Taumännchen in Humperdinck “Hänsel und Gretel” at the Bavarian Staatstheater and performed
in studio productions as Annchen in Der Freischütz and Die Gans von Kairo, Barbarina and Susanna in Le Nozze di Figaro, Zerlina in Don Giovanni, Despina in Cosi fan Tutte and Norina in Don Pasquale by Donizetti.
Bodil Victoria Arnesen has a great passion for romantic “Lieder”and her repertoire ranges from Baroque works to contemporary (expired link) feels at home in the Cantatas and works by Johan Sebastian Bach like "Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen" and “Die Schöpfung” by Haydn. As a soloist in Japan and USA with various orchestras and pianists on her recitals, is to mention the Tours with Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra under the button of Mariss Jansons and Kanazawa Chamber Music Orchestra in Japan. She was also praised to the sky by the press for her performances and the readings she gave of “Exultate Jubilate” by Mozart and Mahles 4 th Symphony in Singapore.
She has also received a great deal of recognition for her performances of Edvard Grieg's orchestral songs and for her interpretation of Handels Messiah.
This lead to an international solo CD recording for Naxos which was highly acclaimed by the music press and was the most sold CD on (expired link) recitals she gave with the pianist Erling Ragnar Eriksen in Wigmore Hall in London and Weill Hall at Carneige Hall, was both sponsored by the Petrol Company STATOIL in Norway.

Solo recital CD Albums: Eyvind Alnæs Songs (Simax), Edvard Grieg Songs(Naxos) and Christian Sinding Songs (Naxos). Beethoven Kaiser Kantaten with Rundfunk Sinfonie-Orchester Berlin ”Auf die Erhebung zur Kaiserwürde Leopold”, Beethoven Kantate “Auf den Tod Joseph II”, Richard Strauss: Des Esels Schatten (Singspiel)The role as Gorgo in collaboration with Sir Peter Ustinov. (Koch Schwann /Universal) Recorings on her own recordlabel Voice Music: "Men-
delssohn Lieder " with pianist Tove Lönskov, "Lied in Recital ": Schubert, Strauss, Wolf and Brahms) with pianist Erling Ragnar Eriksen and the CD “Gifts for you” famous Opera Arias and musicals

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