Oct 2021 Update

October 2021 All is well, the radio station with Tommy Tucker, (Snake River Roundup) is back on line at KRLC 1350AM 92.1FM in Lewiston, Idaho. We are on every Friday from 10AM to noon. Thanks to all of you my songs keep appearing on the charts. Look for some new songs and some new material on my YouTube channel as well. The "Corrido" book project , (150 year History of Latinos in Idaho) is doing well. We just had a concert and book sale on the campus at Caldwell, Idaho at the Jewel Auditorium. I had a song published it a book and CD project by Gary Eller of Nampa, Idaho. It's a history of Idaho cowboys in a book and song project. My song was about Captain Blue and the Chinese massacre on the Snake River near Lewiston. Idaho. Thank you for your interest in my music and involvement in the music.





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