???? RED DUST (video album) All wondrous 40 MINUTES of them 15 songs in one mighty scoop of adventurous music & visuals... (expired link)
Something’s been going on for the last five years in our civilisation, something ominous and unprecedented. Social unrest is exploding, extreme violence and revolt are a daily staple, brought to light by media as a surreal reality-show.
The schism between Rich and Poor has reached unfathomable distances, and the worse it gets, the more citizens are passive and seemingly don’t care about any outcome.
Although these occurrences have always been present in civilizations past, this has now reached a critical point, that scares even the people who own and make up the rules on Earth.
Could it be that an external force is driving the chaos for its own purposes? Could the conflicts have been fomented by something other than a human mind?
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